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Friday, October 24, 2008

中風徵兆從頭到腳留心蛛絲馬跡Signs of stroke clues from head to foot care










Signs of clues from head to foot care

If you find out that they were next to or following the sudden appearance of the situation, even if only one is likely to be a symptom of a stroke, should immediately request emergency medical assistance.
★ feeling confused, difficult to say, do not listen to other people talking about, all of a sudden or inarticulate.

★ feel the face, hands and feet numbness or weakness, particularly in the body only one side of these phenomena.

★ monocular vision or eye problems occur, or see the images overlap.

★ suddenly standing instability, dizziness, loss of balance or lose the ability to coordinate operations.

★ occurred as the voice of Charlie severe headache, or no obvious reason for the unusual headache.

(Source: HealthLetter.MayoClinic.com)


View more information, see the World Journal reported that e-ePaper

瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

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