Energy consumption reading fairy tales like to watch the fat child is not easy
● reading can improve people's thinking and logic, especially the language skills of children go a long way. The scientists said the latest research, the study can help people consume calories. If a child likes to read fairy tales as a child, so in the future will reduce the chance of becoming obese. The study, published in the UK "Daily Mail".
U.S., North Carolina, Duke Children's Hospital researchers let 31 9-13 year-old obese children to read fairy tales and children's fiction, and in these books to add some information about a healthy lifestyle and diet guidelines. It was found that children involved in reading body fat (BMI) by nearly 1% lower, but not adhere to the reading of children, body mass index increased by 0.5 percent.
Researchers ‧ Sarah Armstrong said that the recent study by many people to lose weight. Children, the children's best interest to attract them, making them read in the course of the consumption of more calories. At the same time, the health of fairy tales allow children to grow actively, to develop a better way of life. For adults, read the fascinating story can play the same effect, which not only consume energy but also reduce people's desire to eat snacks.
The researchers called on parents to help children's reading habits, "This will not only help them learn, but also the prevention of obesity."
Infants can identify music joys and sorrows
In addition, U.S. researchers found that babies 5 months of age will be able to identify a set of music in a cheerful music; to 9-month-old, they will be able to "pick" a sad music.
It has been reported from Brigham Young University researchers to a 5-month-old baby did not show an expression of the face, at the same time sad music player.
When the baby attention, to look away from the face, the researchers stopped the music, and then for a musical.
The study found that when the fourth movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony "Ode to Joy" rang, the baby's face in the eyes stay longer than any other music 3-4 seconds, he (she) has been aware of the music to change the tone. 9-month-old baby from a set piece is identified in Beethoven's Seventh Symphony Qichu melody.
Author of the study, Brigham Young University psychology professor Ross ‧ Fromm said that this discovery will help people understand the baby is how to learn to speak before the perception of the world. He said that the first baby to understand the emotion is one of the things on them, the melody that information.
The research results will be published in the "infant behavior and development" magazine. (Xinhua)
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