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Thursday, October 30, 2008

老人飲食注意10要Catering to the attention of the elderly 10



1.飯菜要香 老年人的味覺、食欲較差,吃東西常覺得缺滋少味。所以,為老年人做菜尤其要注意色、香、味。

2.品質要好 老年人體內的代謝以分解代謝為主,需用較多的蛋白質來補償組織蛋白的消耗。因此要多吃些雞肉、魚肉、羊肉、牛肉、瘦豬肉以及豆製品,這些食品所含的蛋白質均屬優質蛋白,營養豐富,容易消化。

3.數量要少 研究表明,過分飽食對健康有害,老年人每餐應以七八分飽為宜,尤其是晚餐。

4.蔬菜要多 新鮮蔬菜不僅含有豐富的維生素C和礦物質,還有較多的纖維素,對保護心血管、防癌、防便秘都有重要作用。每天蔬菜的攝入量應不少於250克。

5.食物要雜 蛋白質、脂肪、糖、維生素、礦物質和水是人體必需的六大營養素,這些營養素廣泛存在於各種食物中。為平衡吸收營養,各種食物都要吃一點。如果條件允許,每天的主副食品應保持在10種左右。

6.菜肴要淡 吃得太鹹會增加心臟、腎臟的負擔,容易引起血壓增高。

7.飯菜要爛 老年人的牙齒常有鬆動和脫落,咀嚼肌變弱,消化液和消化?分泌量減少,胃腸消化功能降低。因此,飯菜要做得軟一些,爛一些。

8.水果要吃 水果中含有豐富的水溶性維生素和金屬微量元素,這些營養成分對於維持體液的酸鹼度平衡有很大的作用。

9.飲食要熱 老年人對寒冷的抵抗力差,如果經常吃冷食會引起胃壁血管收縮,供血減少,並反射性地引起其他內臟血循環量減少,不利健康。因此,老人的飲食應稍熱一些,以適口進食為宜。

10.吃得要慢 細嚼慢嚥能減輕胃腸負擔,促進消化。吃得慢還容易產生飽腹感,防止進食過多。(中新網)


Catering to the attention of the elderly 10

● Liberation Daily reported, compared with the young people, old people's digestive function, the cardiovascular system and other organs, will have varying degrees of aging, in order to adapt to these changes, the elderly in their daily diet should pay attention to the following 10 areas:
1. Meals to the elderly Hong taste, poor appetite, eating often feel less Zi lack of taste. Therefore, cooking for the elderly in particular should pay attention to color, smell and taste.

2. Better quality of the elderly in order to break down the body's metabolism-based metabolism, needed more protein to compensate for protein consumption. Therefore, to eat more chicken, fish, lamb, beef, pork and thin products, these foods contain protein are high-quality protein, nutritious, easy to digest.

3. The number of smaller studies have shown that over three square meals a harmful to health, the elderly Qi Bafen full meal should be appropriate, especially for dinner.

4. Vegetables to be more fresh vegetables not only rich in vitamin C and minerals, and more cellulose, the protection of cardiovascular, anti-cancer, anti-constipation have an important role. Daily intake of vegetables should be not less than 250 grams.

5. Miscellaneous food protein, fat, sugar, vitamins, minerals and water are essential nutrients six of these wide range of nutrients found in a variety of foods. To balance the absorption of nutrients, a variety of food to eat every point. If conditions allow, the main non-staple food every day should be maintained at around 10.

6. Short to eat salty food will increase the heart, kidneys burden easily lead to increased blood pressure.

7. Meals to the elderly rotten teeth are often loose and fell off, chewing muscle weakening, and digestive juice to digest? Reduced secretion of stomach digestive function. As a result, the meals have to do some soft, some bad.

8. Eat fruits and fruit are rich in water-soluble vitamins and trace elements of metal, these nutrients in maintaining the body fluid balance is very pH.

9. Eating hot to cold resistance of the elderly poor, often lead to the stomach wall to eat cold blood vessels, reducing blood supply and caused by reflex and other internal organs to reduce the amount of blood circulation, unhealthy. As a result, old people should be eating some of the heat slightly, to eat better palatability.

10. Slow to eat slowly to reduce the burden on the stomach and promote digestion. Slow food is also prone to a sense of full belly, to prevent over-eating. (BEIJING)


View more information, see the World Journal reported that e-ePaper

瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

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