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Sunday, August 31, 2008

睡太久 智力下降變懶惰Sleeping too long decline in intellectual laziness change

睡太久 智力下降變懶惰


風險1: 中風和糖尿病





風險2: 呼吸道、心臟和消化疾病




風險3: 越睡越懶,智力下降









Sleeping too long decline in intellectual laziness change

How many hours of sleep most healthy, depending on their own situation to determine.

[] - We all know, sleep too little people will fall ill, many people do not know, sleep too much the same bad. Recently, a source said, the U.S. researchers found that women over 50-year-old slept nine hours a day increased risk of stroke. According to Modern Express reported that if too much sleep, not only can not eliminate fatigue, but will also affect the health and intelligence. In sleep, the lowest mortality rate of about seven hours of sleep time.
Risk 1: stroke and diabetes

Researchers in the United States of more than 90,000 women 50-79 years old, which lasted seven and a half years after the survey found that more than nine hours of sleep a day of stroke risk than those who slept seven hours to increase 70 percent, sleep Increased risk of stroke is an independent factor.

Reported that the Nanjing Brain Hospital Division of experts said that the elderly high blood viscosity, if the sleep time is too long, it will lead to increased blood viscosity, an increase of sticky blood on the easy-induced stroke, and other cerebrovascular disease.

Experts say there is also a study shows that sleep time is too long, but also may trigger diabetes, the survey found, the daily sleep time in the 7-8 hours, the most physical health. If less than six hours of sleep time, the risk of diabetes will increase by about 2 times if more than eight hours of sleep time, the risk of diabetes will increase more than three times.

Surveys show that less than six hours of sleep a day will damage a person's health. At the same time, more than nine hours of sleep the same time will be hazardous to health. Sleep time in the survey, the lowest mortality rate of about seven hours of sleep time. The average time in a day of sleep for four hours following 10 hours or more persons, whether male or female, the mortality rate is very high.

Risk 2: respiratory, digestive and heart disease

Mike is a school teacher, like Shui Lanjue, summer is often a sleep over 10 hours. He found that his body is still relatively poor, often at every turn on the cold. Analysis of doctors to help him that he often cold and he might have liked Shui Lanjue relations.

Jiangsu Province, chief physician of Chinese medicine hospitals Respiratory history of lock-fang said that the bedroom most polluted air in the morning, Xu Yan windows or even some of the air flow, the dirty air contains a lot of bacteria, viruses, carbon dioxide and dust, the respiratory disease-resistant ability Impact. For long-term sleep time is too long those behind closed doors Tanshui, usually less movement, coupled with the dirty air in the bedroom, it is easy frequent colds, coughs and other symptoms.

Human activities speed up the heart rate, cardiac contraction strengthen, the heart output increase. When people break the heart in a state of rest, the heart, contraction of output decline. If too much sleep, it will undermine the heart of rest and exercise, the heart of a break to rest, eventually will lack the heart contraction, a slightly different activities will heartbeat, flustered weak. In addition, if too much sleep, can not eat on time, in hunger and gastrointestinal motility, disrupted the secretion of gastric juice, the impact on digestion.

Risk 3: The Sleeping more lazy, mental decline

"Wanshui 10 hours, why do during the day or lethargy» "work in a company it Xiangbu Tong Xiao Chen, previously, he often complained about their sleep too little, resulting in dizziness brain up. However, an increase of sleep a day, or no spirit, work at the slow response and was scolded by the boss many times.

Experts explained that most people would think, should eliminate fatigue and more sleep. In fact, want to use sleep time to increase access to health concepts, is completely wrong. Sleep time is too long, will become lazy, weak, or even intelligence will also decline.

After overnight rest, muscles and joints will become lax and wake up immediately after the event can increase muscle tension may also increase the blood supply to muscles, bones, muscles in a state of repair, while at night the muscles in the accumulation of metabolites Elimination is conducive to restore muscle movement.

Regular Shui Lanjue who missed because of muscle activity opportunity to get up after that Tuiruan, lumbar discomfort, Zhoushen weakness. Shui Lanjue people sleep in a long-term Kangfen hub status, while other nerve centre due to curb a long time to restore the function will become relatively slow, and will feel all day Hunhunchenchen, lethargy, and even mental decline.

Healthy sleep 6-8 hours

So, how long is a day to sleep it can help health » Experts believe that for adults, 6-8 hours is the standard required for its sleep time, the elderly in this standard on the further reduction of 1-2 hours, young people can increase 1-2 hours. For infants and young children, sleep time is longer.

Of course, the number of hours of sleep most healthy, it is also necessary based on their own situation to determine. Determine their own health sleep time standards, should be the next day will not feel tired physically, I feel full of energy to determine.


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脊椎漏水 站著頭就痛Stood on the first leaking spinal pain

脊椎漏水 站著頭就痛
自發性低腦壓頭痛 躺下就不痛 台北榮總以硬膜外血液貼片治療 第二天就可改善












Stood on the first leaking spinal pain
Spontaneous cerebral low pressure headache pain can not lie down to the Taipei Veterans General Hospital the next day epidural blood patch treatment can be improved

"Spontaneous brain low pressure headache" as long as the pain would not lie down. [Images taken from the East:
Dr. subdural hole in the spine, into the 20 c.c. of blood, blood coagulation after a patch, will help to prevent cerebral spinal fluid leakage. [Taipei Veterans General Hospital to provide:

Shi Jing-Ru] [female resident to report the first day, stood standing, sudden headache Yulie, lying bed at night and not the more medicine, she thought of things inside the brain, tears and can not be worried when the doctors, the hospital physicians with guidance, she may be "Spontaneous brain low pressure headache."
Taipei Veterans General Hospital Department of Neurology, the general director of the Department of Wang Jun said that the disease also known as the cerebral spinal fluid in the lower, because the spine of the thin paper subdural, congenital more vulnerable, cracks or holes, resulting in cerebral spinal fluid leaks, and often occur In the cervical, thoracic or at the junction of the thoracic spine, a good 30-year-old to 40-year-old Zhuang Nianren in possession.

When the cerebral spinal fluid leakage, standing, there will be brain tissue down, intracranial pressure and reduce the headache, but as long as I lie down, cerebral spinal fluid can change the posture irrigation to the brain, not a headache.

"There are patients that the large force, fishing or playing tennis after headache," said Wang Jun Department, one-third of patients before the attack force, including coughing, sneezing, or heavy objects to campaign, and in the standing 15 Headache within minutes.

In addition to half of patients with headache, will be accompanied by the back of your neck stiffness or pain, nausea, vomiting, gagged with a reply like ears, tinnitus, balance disorders, photophobia, greatly affected their daily lives.

Taipei Veterans General Hospital and one female patient is in charge of day, had to lie flat in the back seat of sport utility vehicles, drivers Kaiju Song from her position of lying to Jin won office, office, only partial Zhetou, do not maintain Upright posture.

Department-Jun Wang said that such patients for medical treatment, was diagnosed often said to be brain hemorrhage, has long been thought that the brain tumor, most patients can maintain a supine position as 1-3, subdural spinal fractures may self-healing good, but Most people can not be more than a day bed, but also one-fifth of patients with brain may subdural bleeding, there will be a small number of venous thrombosis and coma.

Taipei Veterans General Hospital medical director of the Center for Neural Wu Jin said, in the past inspection of low pressure headache, do most of the spinal cord CT photography, subject to the lumbar puncture and a reagent, to determine the cerebral spinal fluid leakage site, and a reagent allergy risk.

Taipei Veterans General Hospital two years ago, switched to photography spinal cord MRI confirmed cerebral spinal fluid leakage site, by the anesthesiologist to be "epidural blood patch." North-Narcotic Department chief physician XU Shu-Xia said, is pumping blood around their patients 20 c.c., hit leakage, lying one hour to harden the blood, the body is like a patch, the leakage Fill up.

Wang Jun said the Department of the Taipei Veterans General Hospital current method for the treatment of low pressure headache have been 26 cases, most patients improve on the second day of headache, and just do a. Last year, the technology has been published in international journals "headache" (Cephalalgia).


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冷氣吹太久 易發胖Air-conditioning blowing long-fat

冷氣吹太久 易發胖
體溫每下降1度 新陳代謝率降低 腸胃蠕動減緩 體內水份不易排出 導致肥胖







窩在冷氣房 氣喘兒增加







Air-conditioning blowing long-fat
The body temperature of every drop of a lower metabolic rate and gastrointestinal motility slowing from the body of water not lead to obesity

Now all that carbon and energy, weight loss can be said to be the best energy policy.

● Republic of China and director of Obesity Research Institute of Chinese Medicine obesity Taiwan Medical Association and vice president of Berne Liu pointed out that he found in out-patient, Chuileng Qi and obesity are related, air-conditioned room in the longer time, the lower the temperature of the air-conditioning, obesity index higher A "similar artificial hibernation" effect, it was within 10 days on the fat of 2.5 kg. Therefore, the emphasis of the carbon and energy, weight loss can be said to be the best energy policy.
CNA reported that Liu Byrne pointed out that this year six, July, the weather turns hot, in his 35-fat weight loss in patients with the process of discovery, of which 40% of patients every day stay in air-conditioned room time over 10 hours, and air-conditioning temperature Tune in 20 ℃ from top to bottom, the average weight gain three kilograms a month.

He said that based on investigations, air-conditioning was improving, we can save 6% of electricity consumption, the relative increase every time they must increase six percent electricity consumption, the lower the temperature on the increase in electricity consumption. Each human body temperature dropped once, metabolic rate will be reduced 12 percent from 35 patients with respiratory measured data show that the average metabolic rate by about 15 percent.

Liu Byrne pointed out that once the decline in metabolic rate, body temperature will follow the decline in gastrointestinal motility will follow the slow, slow, easy to stomach swelling, constipation, or hard water from the body, these are all reasons leading to obesity. He analyzed long stay in air-conditioned rooms, excessive intake of sugar cold drinks, decomposition of the body fat slows down, the result of a vicious circle, will have a "similar artificial hibernation" effect, leading to increased body weight.

He said that one of Miss is in such circumstances, with the exception of a drink, did not eat three meals a day, but within 10 days, has a 2.5 kg of fat; was mainly due to the body have a "similar artificial hibernation" Effect, leading to weight on the rise. Chuileng Qi and weight loss associated with sexual relationships, have a "similar artificial hibernation" effect, subversion, "the winter than the summer of obesity will be more" traditional values, if prolonged stay in air-conditioned room, the summer rather than winter fat more easily.

Liu Byrne suggested that the timing should not be too long Chuileng Qi, preferably an hour winds, can be suspended 10 minutes, or one day, at least 20 minutes to sweat. Air-conditioning temperature not too low, can reduce the risk of obesity, but also to achieve the objective of carbon and energy.

Waterloo asthma in children increased air-conditioned room

In addition, the hot weather, many children like Waterloo in air-conditioned room, doctors found that the allergy clinic during the summer vacation with more than 2 percent above. As the summer season is not good allergies, doctors advise, indoor air ventilation, the concentration of allergens, it is easy to induce asthma, allergic rhinitis.

Taiwan asthma-Secretary-General Teaching Council, but also the Mackay Memorial Hospital pediatric allergy immunity by Dr. Li-Hsin Huang said that the allergy season usually occurs in transformation, in particular, allergic rhinitis, asthma patients, less summer, but recently, out-patient, The two patients have increased signs of a 2 percent more than last year and more.

Why hot days will be allergic » Li-Hsin Huang said, it may be because of global warming, more and more hot weather, many children like to stay at home Chuileng Qi, an indoor confined space, no ventilation in the circumstances, the increase in the relative concentration of allergens, natural easy-induced asthma.

Li-Hsin Huang said that the hot days, less likely to not open the air-conditioning, but remember that every day should be about three hours of indoor with outdoor air circulation, reduce the concentration of allergens.

Apart from Waterloo not long in the air does not flow of air-conditioned room, Li-Hsin Huang also reminded, is too big temperature difference between the induced asthma because, in particular the temperature difference超过7 ℃, allergy symptoms significantly increased probability of attack. She suggested that the best air-conditioned room temperature set at 26 ℃ to 27 ℃ around, not with the outdoor Chatai Duo, a physical allergy people just entering the best air-conditioned room and a jacket, and slowly adapt to room temperature After take off. (Reuters report)


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青春期轉骨吃補要抓對時機Adolescent eating fill bones, we should pay attention to the timing















Adolescent eating fill bones, we should pay attention to the timing

Q: Why was called to adolescent bone » What is to the bone » To the same period of men and women? » I have three children, about to enter puberty, their children the same age, height and weight than a lot of really bad, because the parents is not high (170 cm tall father, mother 158 cm), very worried about the future Zhang Bugao children. The community advertising product range, is how to select » Men and women taking the time difference? » Premature consumption will appear counter-productive »

A: enter adolescence, from National Cheng Kung University child development were important stage, which is also referred to the bone, the concept of Chinese medicine, acquired through the tone can reduce the imbalance, in particular body type than瘦小, adolescence is the prime time of high, Through traditional Chinese medicine "to the soup" tone, can promote and accelerate growth.

But in addition to the day after tomorrow tone, genetic decision is also an important factor. Generally speaking, the future is the children, boys and is probably the height of their parents, plus 12, divided by 2; girls are standing by 12 parents, and then divided by two, nutrition, exercise, sleep and other factors, and growth are And height-related and should not be high expectations for their children than their own will certainly be able to grow much higher.

Soup to the major components of the main ingredients to Jianpi Gushen, if the absorptive capacity of poor, should have to tone spleen and stomach, and the soup is to the men and women are different, boys drink Gushen strong sperm and girls is to the blood Yangxue . To drink soup must meet development time, Yamiaozhuzhang is too early, too late is not much help. Preferably before the beginning of puberty in girls is earlier point about the age of 9, 10, that is, before and after early, probably 12, 13-year-old boys, both before and after changing sound.

However, each person to the bone, there are physical differences, Zhou has three children, although brothers and sisters, but not necessarily the same physical condition, according to the proposed Chinese medicine Wenzhen, then by individual physique to take the soup for the community of Pianfang Not all apply.

Western medicine view that the majority of children with growth retardation nutrition, sleep with the movement of the bad habits, do not have to take medicine. If parents worry that children in particular small can go to the Pediatric Endocrinology an X-ray, bone age to understand.

If eating deviation caused malnutrition, doctors may ask after appropriate supplementary comprehensive vitamins, minerals iron, zinc, etc., as far as possible a balanced diet, not too fat can also encourage children to drink milk, because of their rich in calcium, are the lactose Bones, growth help, but to reduce the intake of sugary drinks. If it is chronic disease or other potential diseases, they should be through the inspection, early intervention therapy.

In addition, the need of adequate sleep, but also sports, growth hormone must be in more than 20 minutes of aerobic exercise a muscle can be generated, it is proposed that the daily movement of at least half an hour, for example, swimming, playing to stimulate growth hormone are a good Campaign.

Help your letter should not, growth and development of children is likely to need high-calorie, high-protein, nutrition bad times before, it may be necessary to help children through the Medicinal Diet fill the body, now perhaps the best way is a balanced diet.

(Consulting physicians: the Taipei District Joint Hospital Dr. Luo is Chinese medicine hospitals, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Pediatric Endocrinology Dr. Fu-Sung Lo)

(LIU Hui-min)


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這些說法正確嗎?熱敷、按摩減緩疼痛These statements are true? Hot packs, massage alleviation of pain










These statements are true? » Hot packs, massage alleviation of pain

[LIU Hui-min - both Chinese and Western Medicine that most of the abdominal pain can be hot packs, or use of far infrared, and other apparatus in principle to alleviate the effects of hot packs, the proposed Chinese medicine can also massage the abdomen, to help smooth from the blood.
Menstrual eating sweets will be fat

Eating sweets to ease the pain did not help, at the most is the time to eat that feel good, some studies that chocolate, brown sugar is different from the general sweets, will help improve the level of pain, but always appropriate. Also, at this time how that will not eat fat on Cuola! Menstrual will be slightly changed light is the wrong impression, at this time if eaten more sweets, eat special food, but will Bianpan menstrual End of.

Physiological period can be Shampoo

That was before the environment does not allow, in fact, focus is to end as soon as possible Shampoo-drying, wet the hair will not sleep.

Health food products are of no use

Many herbs, health food claims are resolved by the function of pain, doctors advise not to rely on, most do not have strict clinical trials to view, I do not know whether the other drugs will have interaction, implications. Common health food products such as evening primrose oil, seed oil Heicu Li, Liu Liqu oil, or the Antarctic Deep Sea Fish Oil Xia You basically need the nourishment of fatty acids, dietary fiber, in some studies that may ease the pain Symptoms.


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停經後骨盆鬆 提肛運動緩解Post-menopausal pelvic Songti anal ease movement

停經後骨盆鬆 提肛運動緩解








Post-menopausal pelvic Songti anal ease movement

[CNA] in post-menopausal women have pelvic relaxation or stress incontinence problems, doctors said, could be in production in the course of pregnancy or pelvic floor muscle ligament and nerve injury, could be proposed by a Tigang Campaign to improve symptoms, do a day, do at least four times a week, doctors at the same time cope with the treatment, can improve the pelvic muscle relaxation of the syndrome.
Taiwan's Changpin Sau Lin Chuan Hospital urologists US-yin said that there will be nearly 40% of the Daowu Cheng-menopausal women have pelvic relaxation or stress incontinence problems, the most common causes may be pregnant or in the production process pelvic floor muscle ligament Or nerve injury.

Lin Mei-yin said that as the bladder, uterus and other pelvic organs are from the pelvic floor muscle group support, training these muscle groups can be used to prevention and treatment because of muscle relaxation group from stress incontinence, vaginal relaxation and other diseases, she suggested that women can be friends Do Kegel Tigang campaign to prevent or improve symptoms.

Lin Mei-yin said that women can be friends at home in their own writings Kegel exercise, the first step in the first Yangtang bed, his legs bent knees, beginners can index finger and middle finger on the vagina, feeling the strength of muscle contraction and whether it is correct .

Next pelvic floor muscle contraction, as usual action of urinating in the middle of all of a sudden Biezhu action, if action is correct, on the finger in the vagina will feel oppressed, do exercise, in addition to Tigang muscles, abdomen, Thighs, buttocks are not forced, then the continued contraction of about 10 seconds, 10 seconds to relax, so to repeat back to the 15th.

Lin Mei-yin said that women's best friend to do a day, do at least four times a week, then in accordance with the movement of the effectiveness and improve the situation disease, and doctors to discuss whether to support other therapies, such as.


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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

愛吃酸 毀了牙齒琺瑯質 Favorite acid to destroy tooth enamel

愛吃酸 毀了牙齒琺瑯質
胃酸逆流、碳酸飲料… 造成琺瑯質流失 正確刷牙、勤漱口很重要










Favorite acid to destroy tooth enamel
Weisuanniliu, carbonated drinks… caused the loss of enamel, brush their teeth correctly, Qin mouthwash is very important

Dental etching the first-class, slightly enamel loss, dull appearance turn yellow.
Dental etching the third grade, has been eroded to one-third of dentin.

[Shi Jing-Ru:嗜eating acidic food or carbonated drinks Aihe people to be careful teeth may have been etching, resulting in the loss of enamel, may be seriously exposed to nerve pulp, a dental root canal treatment, and even pulled out teeth.
Taiwan's Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital and periodontal disease in the attached director Kun-Yen Ho said, teeth etching reasons, including tooth enamel exposed to acid (pH value of less than 5.5), age cumulative growth of acidic substances, brushing method is wrong, there Weisuanniliu People are likely to lead to the loss of enamel.

Kun-Yen Ho had treated a 50-year-old female patient, as usual with the habit of drinking vinegar health, dental pain that was later to seek medical treatment, after examination revealed that she had the fourth-class dental etching, exposed more than two-thirds of dentin Second, does not timely processing, pulp nerve may be Louzaiwaimian.

Many young people Aihe carbonated drinks, a female models hearsay that the bubble has to drink carbonated drinks to remove food residue, Huang Banya white, she also依样画葫芦, but also etching of teeth , The shape of teeth becomes almost broken.

Another 18-year-old university student, usually love He Kele, uncomfortable look at the teeth because of dental, also found that tooth enamel discoloration neck and decalcification, is about to become a dental etching owners.

Kun-Yen Ho said that the teeth were the symptoms of acid erosion of food, patients often did not feel at the early stage, localized pain may occasionally, but the enamel will gradually lose their luster and texture, the final evolution of the nerve exposed dentin and pulp.

Kun-Yen Ho said that if they are etching the teeth, dentists usually detected in patients with teeth, whether or not to turn yellow color, teeth have thinner margins with a translucent, dental structure is fragile and was Juchi Zhuang, and even tooth surface goblet Cavity or the etching, and other symptoms.

Therefore, Kun-Yen Ho suggested that eating acidic food preferences of the people, may wish to eat, Zaihe几口water gargle, the population will be able to dilute the acidity of the environment if they drink acid drinks, should also avoid small I indulge a long time, or try to give In the long-mouth.

Taipei Veterans General Hospital dental director Igor Rogachev said that the extension, whether it is sweet, salty, acid food, the most important thing is what should be carefully brush their teeth after eating, because dental plaque remain in a period of time, the teeth will have a local side Acid environment, increase opportunities for tooth decay.


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攝取Omega3脂肪酸 避免動脈硬化Omega3 fatty acid intake to avoid arteriosclerosis

攝取Omega3脂肪酸 避免動脈硬化


這份發表在美國心臟學院期刊(Journal of the American College of Cardiology)上的研究報告發現,在日本的日本男子血液當中的Omega3脂肪酸比例,是在美國的中年白人男子或日裔男子的2倍之多,在日本的日本男子發生動脈硬化症的比率也比在美國的中年白人男子或日裔男子來得低。



UCLA神經外科及生理學教授Fernando Gomez-Pinilla長期專研於食物、運動及睡眠對大腦的影響,經多年研究發現,上述3個因素對大腦健康及精神產生重要影響;飲食對提升人的認知能力、預防大腦損傷及對抗衰老有明顯作用。






Gomez-Pinilla綜合分析160多個食物與大腦健康相關研究,該文章刊登在7月的「Nature Re-views Neuroscience」期刊上。

Omega3 fatty acid intake to avoid arteriosclerosis

An integrated reporting: Reuters reported that a medical study found that daily intake of food containing a large number if Omega3 fatty acids in fish oil may help reduce artery blockage, this may be why the Japanese middle-aged men and whites in the United States Japanese man or men In contrast, appear less arterial blockage problems.
The American Heart Institute published in the journal (Journal of the American College of Cardiology), the study found that Japanese men in Japan Omega3 fatty acid in the blood of proportion in the United States is a middle-aged white men or two times of Japanese man As many as in Japan, a Japanese man in the rate of atherosclerosis than in the United States, middle-aged white men or more low-Japanese men.

Atherosclerosis in the arteries due to obstruction caused by the accumulation of platelets. Cumulative long-term, the artery will begin to harden, narrow, resulting in such as heart disease and stroke, and other serious problems.

In addition, the U.S. UCLA (UCLA) recently published research report pointed out that food not only to combat heart disease and cancer, a balanced diet and exercise but also the brain health, study results will help, salmon, walnuts and contain the kiwifruit Omega3 fatty acids功不可没.

UCLA neurosurgeon and professor of physiology Fernando Gomez-Pinilla long-term research in the food, exercise and sleep on the impact of the brain, after years of study found that the above three factors on the brain and mental health have an important impact of diet on cognitive ability to raise To prevent brain damage and plays a significant role in fight against aging.

He pointed out that the salmon, walnuts and kiwifruit are found in Omega3 fatty acids, it can scientifically proven to improve learning, memory and spirit to help fight against diseases such as depression, schizophrenia and dementia, and so on.

Australia study also found that 396 children aged 6-12 in the consumption of six to 12 months time with Omega3 fatty acid and iron, zinc, vitamin A, B6, B12, C drinks, academic performance than the other group did not drink nutritional beverages To outstanding students.

In contrast, the trans fat and saturated fat while the brain cognitive and learning ability have a negative effect. Gomez-Pinilla, said, the study found that regular consumption of unhealthy fried fast food on the brain like the original elements and may have brain damage role.

Gomez-Pinilla analysis, regular consumption of fish in Japan and positive movement of people, suffering from mental diseases in a very low rate.

In addition to Omega3 fatty acids, folic acid on the brain's protective effects of the same can not be underestimated. There are a lot of folic acid in spinach, orange juice and yeast, if the lack of folic acid could lead to nerve disorders, resulting in depression and cognitive decline.

Gomez-Pinilla comprehensive analysis of over 160 food and brain health-related research, the article published in July of "Nature Re-views Neuroscience" journal.


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蕁麻疹腫又癢 少吃麻辣鍋Urticaria swollen eat less Mala hot pot

蕁麻疹腫又癢 少吃麻辣鍋






Urticaria swollen eat less Mala hot pot

[Hongjiadu Discovery allergic constitution - the people, whenever urticaria attack, was also swollen Youyang, often直呼can not stand. Chinese medicine practitioners to remind, urticaria troubled people, preferably as soon as possible to identify allergens, should also pay attention to normal life such as eating habits, attack potable Qufeng tea reduce the discomfort.
34-year-old Miss Lin, the past six months by the repeated attacks plagued urticaria, two very kind Qiyang the impression that not only can not concentrate on her work, she also does not Chengmian night, suffering不已.

Taiwan Joint Municipal District Hospital doctor of Chinese medicine hospitals Hong Wei Yu said that most of modern medicine will be seen as a symptom urticaria, skin tissue is within the mast cell is too sensitive, stimulated by the release of histamine and other inflammatory material, causing skin irritation and scratch Itch.

There are many reasons for the urticaria, in addition to food, drugs, dust, Chongyao, some physical factors such as cold water, sunlight, Saozhua and pressure can lead to urticaria attack, depending on what each person may be allergic.

He suggested that to improve the physical allergies, in addition to normal life, regular exercise, eat mushroom, bamboo shoots, mango, duck, seafood, of fermentation, Mala pot, and the bombing of coffee; attack potable Schizonepeta tenuifolia, Chrysanthemums, purple perilla leaf and the two money licorice 1 money, and boiled into a "Qufeng tea" to improve the discomfort.


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停經後骨盆鬆 提肛運動緩解Post-menopausal pelvic Songti anal ease movement

停經後骨盆鬆 提肛運動緩解








Post-menopausal pelvic Songti anal ease movement

[CNA] in post-menopausal women have pelvic relaxation or stress incontinence problems, doctors said, could be in production in the course of pregnancy or pelvic floor muscle ligament and nerve injury, could be proposed by a Tigang Campaign to improve symptoms, do a day, do at least four times a week, doctors at the same time cope with the treatment, can improve the pelvic muscle relaxation of the syndrome.
Taiwan's Changpin Sau Lin Chuan Hospital urologists US-yin said that there will be nearly 40% of the Daowu Cheng-menopausal women have pelvic relaxation or stress incontinence problems, the most common causes may be pregnant or in the production process pelvic floor muscle ligament Or nerve injury.

Lin Mei-yin said that as the bladder, uterus and other pelvic organs are from the pelvic floor muscle group support, training these muscle groups can be used to prevention and treatment because of muscle relaxation group from stress incontinence, vaginal relaxation and other diseases, she suggested that women can be friends Do Kegel Tigang campaign to prevent or improve symptoms.

Lin Yin said the United States, women of their friends at home can work Kegel exercise, the first step in the first Yangtang bed, his legs bent knees, beginners can index finger and middle finger on the vagina, feeling the strength of muscle contraction and whether it is correct .

Next pelvic floor muscle contraction, as usual action of urinating in the middle of all of a sudden Biezhu action, if action is correct, on the finger in the vagina will feel oppressed, do exercise, in addition to Tigang muscles, abdomen, Thighs, buttocks are not forced, following the continued contraction of about 10 seconds, 10 seconds to relax, so to repeat back to the 15th.

Lin Mei-yin said that women's best friend to do a day, do at least four times a week, then in accordance with the movement of the effectiveness and improve the situation disease, and doctors to discuss whether to support other therapies, such as.


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前列腺增生 憋尿是大忌benign prostatic hyperplasia avoid urinary retention

前列腺增生 憋尿是大忌















BPH is Taiji Bieniao
Moderation of life, bogey sedentary, anti-drug and a reasonable diet

Men age, it is difficult to avoid benign prostatic hyperplasia. Chestnuts on behalf of the general prostate, the normal size of the prostate does not affect urination (left), but large as Apple (right), of urine on the difficult.

[-] BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) occurred in more than elderly men over the age of 50. According to Guangzhou Daily reported, Europe and the United States statistics, in elderly men in their incidence rate as high as 80 percent. Experts pointed out that: prevent prostate frequent congestion and edema is to resist renal failure, urinary tract infections, stones and complications such as acute urinary retention incoming important points, and into the daily life of patients need more control of the door "homework": control of life, Bieniao bogey, bogey sedentary, anti-drug and a reasonable diet.
Common cases of the elderly

Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhongshan University in Guangzhou, vice president, Professor Huang Jian, director of urology, said: "BPH is a common disease in elderly men, a degenerative disease of old age, the age of the Pentecostal-prone." It is understood that the 50-year-old age group Male incidence rate is about 45 percent to 50 percent incidence rate of 60-year-old nearly 50% to 60% 70-year-old reached 60% ~ 70%…… Professor Huang Jian said: "The specific disease will, when the disease from person to person, and Vary, but most people will increase with age and disease, while the rate of proliferation are different speed, so be regarded as progress of chronic diseases. ".

Professor Huang Jian said that the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia: Early is the growing number of urination, especially nocturnal enuresis, urinary difficulties, there may be late acute urinary retention, urinary incontinence, urine, or even because of urinary obstruction caused by kidney failure, Acidosis, and so on.

Need to prevent complications

"For the already suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia crowd, we believe that the prevention of the occurrence of complications is the key, which should bear the brunt on the prevention of acute urinary retention." Professor Huang Jian, a benign prostatic hyperplasia disease, will not transfer, but Its symptoms trouble, and is likely to trigger further bladder disease, urinary tract diseases, and so on. "Slightly reduced the quality of daily life of many patients can be patient, but of countless patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia attacks have complications of acute urinary retention, which means that treatment should be inserted catheter. "Professor Huang Jian said that the catheter inserted after at least 12 weeks to stay on the removal from the patient, serious illness or even surgery.

Another major threat is that the incidence of kidney damage. BPH "old sick," ranging from likely suffering from kidney stones, weight may cause kidney failure. "As happens in the prostate exit of the bladder, urethra around the location of the special case of proliferation, it will urethral pressure from all sides, so that the urine from the bladder obstruction, the cause of urinary / 20 Commission a series of diseases." Professor Huang Jian That, once the obstruction in the urinary tract, infection and complication will be the stones from behind. Urinary tract obstruction makes the bacteria easy to breed, stones, infections are easy to breed, the most severe cases, renal failure may trigger the need for kidney transplantation to save.

Jijiu bogey spicy

Life above all how to prevent complications in type » Experts point out that had the patients suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia, sexual life should not be excessively frequent, the best regularly proper conduct. "Although very helpless, but the development of disease control for patients is very effective, because the genital too excited, congestive would aggravate BPH and urinary difficulties." Professor Huang Jian said.

He also reminded, is often Bieniao daily life of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia Taiji. "Bieniao filling the bladder will swell, resulting in inability to urinate, increased pressure from local and poor blood flow, increase the symptoms of BPH." He also said that patients should not Bieniao, there should be a urine from the Italian immediately .

In addition, patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia should be Jijiu, bogey spicy food. Although spicy food is not leading to the cause of benign prostatic hyperplasia, but the wine, pepper and so on prostate and urethra may have a certain boost, and may even cause vascular expansion, to the prostate and bladder neck congestion, swelling, caused by prostate reduce the resistance.

Sedentary is another Taiji, is bound to lead sedentary patients with prostate blood flow sluggish. Professor Huang Jian proposal, patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia the best time for each ride to a maximum of one hour, over time they should get up activities around a quarter of an hour, and then continue, so the prostate can effectively alleviate congestion.

Professor Zhang Shijun, points out that patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia should be controlled anger, depression and other negative emotions occur. Maintain calm attitude can also prevent prostate congestion, at the same time every day due to some extent the water can delay the symptoms of dysuria.


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

經痛分四型 藥引改體質4 different cramp type of period Chinese medicine to physical Reply

經痛分四型 藥引改體質


寒凝血瘀型 月經期受寒


肝鬱氣滯型 情緒壓力大


氣血虛弱型 易疲勞倦怠


肝腎虧損型 先天體質虛



量多 痛久 結塊








4 different cramp type of period Chinese medicine to physical Reply

[LIU Hui-min - Chinese medicine point of view, the more pain because of blood from the poor, not General Clauses pain, cold and heat physique actual situation may lead to the pain, according to clinical symptoms, dialectical Wenzhen to type, and then impose different drugs tone. Chinese medicine hospitals through the United Christian Hospital District gynecology Dr. Lin Junyu that the Chinese dialectical pain will be divided into four types.
Hanning blood stasis menstrual period Shouhan

This is often Shouhan menstrual period, eating cold food, Shouhan lead to blood coagulation, and some people will not be early, but as the age of growth, because of environmental or Xilengshuizao love, love of ice, etc. Physical changes, sometimes hot packs can ease the pain, or eating a warm womb of medicine, Chinese medicine practitioners will be open to Angelica Sini soup, Guizhifuling pill to treat.

Liver depression and feelings of stagnation gas pressure

As emotions, the pressure likely to cause confusion in hormone secretion, leading to the pain, as this type of menstrual pain often is not allowed, the Chinese meridian theory that this type of person Ganqi blues, gas block in the two-clock, the need to rule Modified Xiaoyaosan , Scattered five plot to Qi and promoting blood circulation, Huayu pain, but also need to adjust mood, reducing stress.

Qi and blood-type weak fatigue burnout

This type of physical weakness, because of lack of qi and blood, running weak, so easy fatigue, malaise, anemia, are particularly vulnerable in menstrual pain after that, we need a prescription for the blood to Yiqi tone, for example, Angelica Shaoyao San.

Liver and kidney virtual loss of congenital physical

This type is mainly because of inherent weaknesses, Shenqi deficiency, the uterus Deficiency-Cold Zheng Zuo Tong, the genitourinary system that is innate or the uterus is relatively weak, Chinese medicine will be open to Yanggan Zishen prescription, such as the pill Bawei Huang Wen-by.

Linjun Yu stressed that the pain will be there as soon as possible for medical treatment, 10 million may not be dragged, because blood counter-current, long-term accumulation, if endometriosis or chocolate cyst and other issues, will not only affect the quality of life, and may even cause infertility.

The pain of many long-caking

Uterine JPC

Basically, the period of Trinidad-Tobago, the pain a long time and Inclusion in the blood caking, or accompanied by the intense pain, are uterine fibroids, uterine muscle adenoma, endometriosis of the JPC.

Lin Junyu that women have lower abdomen agglomeration, with or pain, or bulging, or full, or even bleeding, Chinese medicine called "Zhengjia," is also ancient books, "Huang Di Nei Jing" alleged "Zhengjia Poly", referring to Western medicine The endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or cervical cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome are all Chinese medicine practitioners Zhengjia scope of treatment should be preceded whether the tumor was benign diagnosis, then dialectical diagnosis, the right remedy for different reasons.

Chinese medicine treatment of uterine fibroids, the first meeting under the constitution after the attack, or attack-and carrot. Blood stasis, impose Huoxue blood and broken plot Xiaozheng, Guizhifuling prescription for the pills, rhubarb Zhe worm pills, and those used by blood deficiency taste Siwutang.

The stagnation of gas is required to gas Daozhi, Poyu Xiaozheng, the prescription for the pill-collar or seven-Tang. Phlegm and blood stasis of the Qi Huatan, Poyu Xiaozheng, a prescription for Erchen Tang Yu, Cortex Moutan rhubarb soup.

Generally speaking, when Chinese medicine can be accurately Syndrome have a certain effect, the growth of fibroids and more able to control or gradually narrowing. Uterine fibroids less than 3 centimeters, most of its less serious symptoms, urinary frequency, abdominal pain, the pain or because the blood of many and anemia relatively minor cases, treatment is also more obvious.


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Friday, August 22, 2008

舒緩操8招解經痛8 strokes of the parade ease the pain



適量運動 經痛困擾減半



痛到不行 最好放鬆休息


按摩伸展 平時多做瑜伽


























8 strokes of the parade ease the pain

Sit down, Bend your legs, Jiaoban paste the ground, bending his left hand and cling to the legs. Tingzhi back and narrow the abdomen, right-hip, with breathing and suction to relax, stay expiratory backward to reverse, return 5-10 to breathe再换edge.
Paxia, two-handed grasp the lateral ankle, hip, to tighten up, stay 3-5 breathing. Pazhuo relax after the break. Can do several times. 1-3 over-simple yoga movements, through the reverse, Paxia, visceral abdominal massage, to reduce menstrual discomfort, but also through contraction, the movement to the viscera and abdominal muscles Fubei.

[Menstrual] LIU Hui-min, has been suffering a terrible, it should not bar the movement » Wrong! The campaign is the ease pain and companies.
Regular exercise plagued by the pain halved

Taiwan's Taiwan Security Division of Preventive Medicine, director of the hospital Zhou G said that under the 1995 British study found that the more women exercise, appeared before the pain syndrome and the circumstances are relatively minor, and another for athletes of the study, women athletes than not often campaign , Half plagued by pain, but not the probability of menstruation, women are generally three times.

Zhou G said that regular exercise can be significantly improved during the various uncomfortable symptoms, excessive movement would affect the endocrine balance, still have to pay attention to.

Pain not to relax the best rest

Cathay General Hospital in Taipei Obstetrics and Gynecology Dr. Chun-Kai Chen said that in the menstrual pain or discomfort, can do to ease, easy movement, and yoga is also a good choice, if the pain that can not be fixed, or the best way to relax and rest.

Massage usually do yoga stretching

Wu Fenghua yoga teacher reminded, in peacetime should be maintained, not only in the "Tongbuyusheng" Huibudangchu, yoga moves can use massage, stretching to the normal activities of the very few sites, and also helps adjust autonomic nervous, emotional ease the pressure , Are effective in reducing menstrual symptoms, some students use yoga, meditation and the rest adjust to shake off the nightmare years of menstruation.

Wu in the design of the following mitigation parade, before and after the menstrual period or the uncomfortable when they can spend a little time to try, not small Kanwo, although only a stay, to relax, but also to extend, to ease the discomfort , To campaign effectiveness.

(Action design, demonstration / Taiwan yoga teacher Wu Fenghua)

Before and after the menstrual

Maintenance of yoga

Simple reverse movement

Sit down, Bend your legs, Jiaoban paste the ground, bending his left hand and cling to the legs. Tingzhi back and narrow the abdomen, right-hip, with breathing and suction to relax, stay expiratory backward to reverse, return 5-10 to breathe再换edge.

Summary of locusts

Thumb on the palm, four other means outside Woquan (King Kong Quan). Paxia will be King Kong Quan on the lower abdomen, some on both sides about ovarian position, will be on the lower body with suction, buttocks clamping, two-勾起stay. Expiratory relaxing break. Each can be 3-5 breathing.

Bow -

Paxia, two-handed grasp the lateral ankle, hip, to tighten up, stay 3-5 breathing. Pazhuo relax after the break. Can do several times.

1-3 over-simple yoga movements, through the reverse, Paxia, visceral abdominal massage, to reduce menstrual discomfort, but also through contraction, the movement to the viscera and abdominal muscles Fubei.

- Break edge extension

Pillows on the buttocks, the sacral, lie down, hands relaxed on both sides of the body to relax. .

Sedentary hump-back, will oppression to the abdominal organs, the use of pillows can be extended completely, by extension can enhance the activity of the sympathetic nervous, self-help adjust nerves, relieve the emotional tension.

- Break edge extension

Pillows on the buttocks, the sacral, lie down, hands relaxed on both sides of the body to relax. .

Sedentary hump-back, will oppression to the abdominal organs, the use of pillows can be extended completely, by extension can enhance the activity of the sympathetic nervous, self-help adjust nerves, relieve the emotional tension.

Relieve menstrual pain (static yoga)

Please prepare a large pillows, will be in the upper body趴Zhenshang, relax and rest.

In the upper body will rely on the wall, bending the knee to maintain relatively comfortable, not tired posture. Top on the wall in the waist, not vacant, relax and rest. (The outside can do this action, working women, for as long as the wall can also relieve back pain flu)

Will sit down with both feet on the ground, his legs were a diamond, Jiaoban relative, the head and upper body relaxed, two-handed leg from the inside, through the bottom, relaxing rest, abdominal discomfort may be the hot packs.

Lie down, feet on the ground, bending to Jiaoban Tiejin relatively slowly to the hip Yijin feet up, relax and rest.

Fomentation lower abdomen, or pat River Rats (the liver) alleviate discomfort.


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牙齦疾病 心臟病風險高Gum disease high-risk heart attack

牙齦疾病 心臟病風險高

















Gum disease high-risk heart attack

● "toothache is not disease, it really terrible pain," but in fact far from dental disease is not just a question of pain, gum disease and also in fact heart disease, stroke, premature births and low weight, and so closely related, and oral Mortality caused by cancer, cervical cancer is at least twice. Experts believe that regular inspection, the necessary treatment or vaccine for the prevention of oral diseases is very good.
Qudong can only be minor problems

Qudong teeth is not a good thing, but on the prevention, oral health, they may also be regarded as only minor problems.

Modern Express reported that the experts provided by the oral care proposals are similar: on time brushing, flossing, using fluoride toothpaste; limit sugary drinks and snacks; twice a year to see dentists. Although the proposal good, but not everyone will follow: to 12 years of age, 50 percent of children have tooth Qudong.

There are also two more serious problem - gum disease and oral cancer, both of which are common dental diseases, but they not only may lead to tooth loss, may also cause death.

Gum disease and inflammation of the large number

Gum disease is chronic bacterial infection of the gums, it will damage the teeth and surrounding fixed from the role of the soft tissue. This disease is the main reason for adult tooth loss. Some life to the vulnerability of such diseases, smoking, taking certain drugs, mental tension and other factors may also increase the illness.

Several recent studies show that: gum disease and heart disease risk related to the increase. Columbia Dental School of Medicine Clinical Professor Martin dental ‧ J ‧ Dr. Dai Weisi said: "Although the jury is still out, but gingivitis and heart disease and inflammatory markers there may be some contact."

Is perhaps the oral bacteria enter the blood circulation, and then attached to the fatty plaque in the coronary artery, leading to the formation of blood clots, or inflammation itself to speed up the formation of the plaque. A 2007 study found that, even if the control of smoking, gum disease still makes men suffering from heart disease increased the risk of 1 / 3 of women increased by two times.

The study also raised gum disease and diseases related to the following: the risk of stroke, diabetes control blood lipid instability, such as preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy) diseases such as pregnancy, low birth weight and premature. Through oral anti-inflammatory and reduce the number of harmful bacteria, not only treatment of periodontal disease can also be effective in controlling other parts of the body of infection.

Oral cancer, cervical cancer more deadly than

Oral cancer is another serious dental problems, the United States each year about 34,000 people are living with the disease, resulting in 8,000 deaths. Tufts University professor of oral pathology Michael ‧ Kaheng, said: "oral cancer caused by the deaths, at least twice the cervical cancer, cervical scraping-examination, receive medical insurance, making cervical cancer Reduce the incidence of 90 percent. "

Smoking and alcohol abuse are the main causes, but in patients with oral cancer and 25 percent of never smoking or excessive drinking. At least some of the causes may be leaching of HPV virus, or HPV virus, which caused the majority of cervical cancer in oral sex sexually transmitted virus can cause oral cancer oral invasion.

Ka Heng, said: "Some people think that now if children were HPV vaccine, HPV caused oral cancer can also greatly changed."

Oral cancer is often the first symptom of oral, the emergence of a White points, or red, but the disease can check out before the formation of ulcers.

In the past two to three years, medical product manufacturers have developed a number of non-invasive equipment can be used to check the naked eye can not distinguish between the abnormal organization. Although the results are controversial, some dentists have begun using such equipment. (-)


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節制欲望 免疫力自然強Strong desire to control natural immunity

節制欲望 免疫力自然強








Strong desire to control natural immunity

[LIU Hui-min - you tired? » More and more on how to open the body's immune system to resist external pathogens, but office workers fatigue, stress, the immune system in this line of defense inevitably loopholes, Tzu Chi University, pediatric neurologist Dr. Wang said the healthy body First and foremost enhance immunity, in the era of higher prices, in fact, has not hurt their wallets, but also health promotion approach.
Wang Rong said that the body's immune system's first line of defense is our skin, mucosa, was swallowed up in the blood cells block the invasion of bacteria, as for the B-cell lymphocytes cells, T cells and detect the enemy's natural killer cells, Provide another line of defense, the immune system is like the human body in the Department of Defense, also both repair.

Lymphocyte pathogen will encounter the enemy "Remember" can be mobilized to deal with the next pathogen of operational planning, it is the function of the immune system mechanism is "immune memory", the antibody is the newborn from the mother, often in a Failure to two-year-old, gradually, in addition to growing process must be repeated after infection to produce antibodies, Shi also need to rely on a vaccine to increase the antibody.

However, due to overworked, the cumulative pressure, the inevitable result and may even trigger a decline in immune disease, cancer, in Wujiafeizhang a time when the survival pressure on the shoulders of workers, Gu had money, but not health Gu, Wang Rong said, and save money Is not healthy choices, but one both sides, can certainly take into account common.

He said that strengthening the immune system is actually very simple methods, "read heart-pure, Shao Yu Contentment" is the first step in the process of uncontrolled desire, can also achieve the effect in their wallets, such as dietary requirements Cancan eighth full, to avoid After volume, and sleep is not less, reducing covered Shengse place and time, can also reduce consumption, the doctor's time.

Wang Rong said that ordinary people can choose the price is not high, can regulate immune supporting food such as yogurt or yogurt, to maintain the body's immune function.


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半百愛慢跑 健康更長壽Banbai love running more healthy longevity

半百愛慢跑 健康更長壽







Banbai love running more healthy longevity

Nianguobanbai of regular jogging, health status than those not used to running much better.

An integrated report - would like to live long and healthy, jogging is good way. The United States a long-term study found that people who regularly running Nianguobanbai, the mortality rate lower than the same age but not running the half, even if the illness, health status than those not used to running much better.
Research papers published in "Science files" journals, papers author chakras cutting Tibo Shi pointed out that regular exercise can promote coronary health, enhancing aerobic exercise capability, enhance bone health, improve the vaccination reaction, enhance thinking, learning and memory Features people of all ages should be moderate or even large sports.

Stanford University School of Medicine to do this study, the United States, a national running club at least 284 members of the 50-year-old targeted to survey their living habits, including exercise frequency, weight and stand up, wear clothes, washing , Walk, eat, shake things such as bodily functions, another survey 156 health habits, but did not jog for the control group, an annual survey.

Researchers in 19 consecutive survey found that 10% of jogging five group members died, while the control group rate of 34 percent. Jogging group suffering from coronary heart disease, stroke, various types of cancer and Alzheimer's disease症等of risk than the control group.

The average weekly jogging jogging or movement of 200 minutes, the control group, only 20 minutes. While most running group after 70-year-old no longer running, but for other ways of activities bones and tendons, sports has not been interrupted. The study also found that injured jogging group than the control group low probability that the campaign rather than worry about injuries that untenable.


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DASH飲食法8周後血壓降10% DASH diet eight weeks after the blood pressure drop 10 percent


●高血壓病患都知道要飲食控制,卻只有籠統概念,也不太清楚如何控制。美國研究團隊提出DASH(Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) 飲食原則,是醫學界首度提供明確飲食比例,只要遵循此一原則,二周內血壓明顯下降,八周後,可以少吃一顆降血壓藥物!










DASH diet eight weeks after the blood pressure drop 10 percent

Dietitians recommend that, DASH diet principles, seven to nine fruits and vegetables daily.

● hypertensive patients to know that diet control, only a general concept, not too sure how to control. American research team proposed DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet principles, the medical profession is the first time provide a clear diet ratio, simply follow this principle, two weeks, blood pressure decreased significantly, eight weeks, you can eat a blood pressure-lowering drugs !
Nutrition Institute in Taiwan, the Republic of China Institute of blood lipids and atherosclerosis before the first organized DASH diet menu design contest that will DASH diet principles into practical meal design, the future will offer recipes, for public reference and dieticians.

Institute of blood lipids and atherosclerosis, chairman of Siu said, the U.S. team's DASH study found that patients in the control of salt intake does not, do not change the weight of the conditions, the DASH diet can follow the principle of eight weeks, the blood pressure-lowering effect, and The use of a blood pressure-lowering drug treatment identical. If we add salt cap strategy, up to twice the performance.

Siu said, eating a blood pressure-lowering drugs, can reduce the 8 percent of patients with blood pressure, and eat eight weeks after the DASH diet, can reduce 10 percent of the blood pressure, therefore strongly recommended to climb Xiong ㄞ f suffering from hypertension or endangered the public, DASH diet improved blood pressure into the lifestyle adjustments.

As this principle in the end of the DASH diet » Taipei Veterans General Hospital, director of the Department of Nutrition Le-chi pointed out that, DASH eating plan in principle nutrients day calorie intake is not more than 1,800 cards, the heat source, accounting for 27% of lipid, accounting for 6 percent saturated fat, protein accounted for 18 percent, sugar 55 per cent, With less sodium (2,000 mg) and less cholesterol (300 milligrams), a high intake of calcium (750 mg), potassium (4,000 mg), fiber (25 grams).

Taipei's revitalization of the hospital dietitian Lin Meng Yu pointed out that, DASH diet is not easy to design. As an example to sodium, 2000 mg of sodium a day, eat only on behalf of five grams of salt, and natural foods have sodium, cooking, add the salt, can only take 2.5 grams a day, how to strictly limit salt intake, and You Ziwei to the dietitian is a very high challenge.

DASH diet also stressed the concept of multi-intake of calcium, magnesium, potassium, Keelung, Taiwan Hospital nutrition director Zhang Huang-yu, magnesium, potassium intake may be from the nuts, one day at least 1 to 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds, almonds, walnuts and other nuts. However, Zhang Huang Yu warned that the high-K of the meal is not suitable for kidney disease, kidney disease should consult doctors and nutritionists.

Are not easily understandable principles DASH diet, nutritionists recommended that seven to nine fruits and vegetables a day, eat nuts, 2 cups low-fat milk, offal, egg yolk 10 million Biepeng, Shaoyan, eat natural foods Taste, you can Chichu health.

Siu said, diet control is the most important thing of the past may be high, that is easy to eat well. If Nanchi or too difficult to cook, the patient simply can not be implemented with certainty, the United States designed the DASH meals designed very practical, so a high degree of acceptance, so-called Taiwan only to the gourmet chefs design DASH diet, the future For public use. (Wei Li Wen)


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Thursday, August 21, 2008

喝母乳 長大心臟病機率低Drink mother's milk grew up heart rate low

喝母乳 長大心臟病機率低

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Drink mother's milk grew up heart rate low
British experts reported that breast-feeding helps reduce infant in blood cholesterol levels, thereby reducing adult children of the probability of heart troubles. According to Guangzhou Daily report quoted the British "Daily Telegraph" reported, with St. George's University of London researchers published a research report that inferred if all British women have chosen breast-feeding their children and breast-feeding until the experts recommend six months, several Thousands of lives will be saved. Researchers compared to 17,000 adults in the survey data, found that babies who breast-feeding period to accept blood cholesterol levels far lower than those fed on formula. Compared with the formula feeding, breast-feeding also helps to reduce infant in the blood cholesterol levels, reduce the adult children of the possibility of heart disease. Experts suggested that the health of the mother should be provided for children at least six months of breastfeeding. If conditions allow, as much as possible so that children can be in use before the age of a breast, or in accordance with the needs of mothers and children as much as possible extension of breast-feeding time. In addition, breast-feeding can not only reduce the risk of women suffering from breast cancer, women can avoid suffering from obesity, eczema and Erji and other diseases. 2008-08-21 ~ ~ For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.