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Sunday, September 21, 2008

無排卵月經 有生育機會嗎?Anovulatory menstrual fertile opportunities?

無排卵月經 有生育機會嗎?

【施靜茹】問:兩年前曾因為「經期不順」尋求婦科診療,醫師懷疑我可能是「無排卵月經」,他安慰我「先將目前的狀況治療好,等以後要結婚生小孩時再說」,就請下一位病人了。我擔心自己以後沒有辦法「做人」,而醫師又不願意多做解釋。想請問「無排卵月經」是否就沒機會為人母呢? (小女子)








Anovulatory menstrual fertile opportunities?

【】 Shi Jing-Ru: two years ago because "menstruation are not" seek gynecological clinics, doctors suspect that I might be "no ovulation period," he comforted me, "the current situation of the first treatment, and so on to marry and have children later when they say" On the call on the next patient. I can not worry about their own future "life" and doctors also do not want to do more to explain. Would like to ask "ovulation period" if there is no opportunity for this mother? (Small woman)

A: Some women have menstruation, ovulation does not necessarily have that when a mature ovarian follicle development, and ovulation and corpus luteum formation, so that endometrial hyperplasia, for embryo implantation, but did not become pregnant, endometrial thickening To a certain extent, the blood vessels can not support, it will form off period.

No ovulation period, some of the rules of the menstrual cycle, but most irregular menstrual cycle.

Ovulation barriers, the brain may be the hypothalamus, pituitary hormone secretion in question; how or cystic ovarian cysts, that although the number of ovarian follicles, but because of the relationship between hormones and not for development of mature follicles; female male body Lactation hormones or hormone is too high, will also affect the function of ovulation.

To learn more about whether ovulation, the simplest way is the basis of volume of body temperature, just in the early morning wake, with the temperature has not diet, exercise or mood ups and downs to measure body temperature, usually of high temperature and low temperature changes, and so on, if the temperature is less than Up to 12 days, most of a low-temperature, ovulation may not ring true, the best two or three months to observe the volume; can not check into obstetrics and gynecology.

If you do not hurry to have children, tend to menstruation, may consider proposals to add progesterone; If you want to pregnancy, can be adjusted to take hormone drugs, or use of oral or injection-drug ovulation, ovulation will help improve the problem.

(Physicians Advisory: Taipei Medical University Hospital Department of Obstetrics maternity Jian Qing, director of the district to answer)


View more information, see the World Journal reported that e-ePaper

瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

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