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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

6-10歲 思考期 遊戲動動腦6-10 years old thinking minds fixed period of the game

6-10歲 思考期 遊戲動動腦


























6-10 years old thinking minds fixed period of the game

Large animals, the wind
Hercules sumo

Hickman has】 【6-10 year-olds start up their own ideas, gradually will be thinking, know how to judge the whole, the Cloud Gate Dance Theater, a dance studio teacher Lvqiu Yan said that through the game allows children to express their views on living things, but also contribute to the Physical muscle development, increased sense of balance, coordination and control of natural healthy growth.
+ Prompt questions

Lvqiu Yan said that the children of this age, physical and mental development step by step, parents can ask their children, "What are you thinking?" And "the matter, how do you feel that?" And so on, and discuss their children to share, or Sometimes a little to give tips to help children fully self-expression.

Children love to play the game, in fact, the game is also among the major principles, Lv Qiuyan for 6-10 year-old children, including the design of the game, "elastic rubber band", "Hercules Sumo," "Animal big wind", are relatively active, the use of force , The body of the game.

"I think 6-10 year-olds, the most important thing is physical training." Lvqiu Yan said that because of health and physical strength is the real capital, the proposed arrangements for the day, parents have their children skip along the time, for example, the number of outdoor parks, at least 1 hour.

+ Minds campaign

"Elastic rubber band" of the game, the game must be prepared to rope rubber band, parents and children together for a total of rubber band to justice, but also increase the feelings of each other, a division of labor, children have access to hand muscle activity. Play "elastic rubber band," the need to coordinate the body, in particular, children must be of high and low rope and visual distance.

Lvqiu Yan said that the visual distance capabilities, and the brain child of the vestibular development, and some children less than vestibular stimulation, there may be a step on the line has been, or continue to hook to the rope, parents can watch from observation.

+ Focus on patient

There are also common and children away from playing the game, for example, allow children to guess a few steps in front a long way to go? Is a big step or small step? If you use the palm of your hand, is about a few? And then let the children go to trial in person, on-site visit, to see themselves in the end the accurate guess, to take this away from the practice of cognition.

In fact, play games, usually require a variety of applications and the ability to meet, play games, the children must be very focused, but also cultivate patience.

(Model design and action: Taiwan Cloud Gate Dance Theater, a dance studio teacher Lvqiu Yan)

Large animals, the wind

Dong Yidong: the wind, I believe that everyone played the game optional living room at home, parents and children to sit in selected locations, and we take turns out the title.

Objective: the wind is the big family, it is easy to promote an atmosphere of the game for the whole family to play together through the subject and answers, enhance mutual understanding and interesting topic.

Advanced version: In addition to the more than who can grab a seat, a topic also can request changes in the movement. For example, the "little rabbit hop" and "elephant walk" and so on, everyone should jump to, and imitate the characteristics of an elephant, to find a new place. Can also change the speed, such as "slow is slow tortoise", and that the last-place, winning only Oh!

Elastic rubber band

Dong Yidong: simple rubber band can be achieved, parents and children to work together, weaving a long rope rubber band. After the completion of the parents is responsible for pulling both ends of the rope, if only two people to move a chair, for a fixed, and then a high degree of control from the start low and let the children try to use one leg or legs, and even jump in any way Over the rope.

Objective: This game may make a lot of parents brought back childhood memories, but the modern child, play this simple game but not many opportunities. Rope allows children to practice accurate visual distance, find a way to skip rope is a great challenge to increase physical coordination.

Advanced version: Edge edges to study dance songs such as "small ball banana oil" and "Shing Mun chicken pie," Law hop songs with rhythm.

Hercules sumo

Dong Yidong: seen on television in Japan Sumo it! A group of two people, father or mother and child face-to-face, a big gap between the two hands so that the opponent, who fell on to lose Hello!

Objective: To allow children to play sumo practice the use of energy, experience changes in the strength of the trick may not be able to use brute force to win. 'd Like to contribute, both feet must stand firm. Parents appropriate comity children to enable children to enjoy the feeling of victory.

Advanced version: Scout may also make use of ropes, pull one end, on his waist. Microbend knee each other than Yao Li, who move on to lose it! Sumo play, can join the "expression" and the other side smiling field, but also one of the tactical balance.


View more information, see the World Journal reported that e-ePaper

瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

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