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Sunday, August 31, 2008

睡太久 智力下降變懶惰Sleeping too long decline in intellectual laziness change

睡太久 智力下降變懶惰


風險1: 中風和糖尿病





風險2: 呼吸道、心臟和消化疾病




風險3: 越睡越懶,智力下降









Sleeping too long decline in intellectual laziness change

How many hours of sleep most healthy, depending on their own situation to determine.

[] - We all know, sleep too little people will fall ill, many people do not know, sleep too much the same bad. Recently, a source said, the U.S. researchers found that women over 50-year-old slept nine hours a day increased risk of stroke. According to Modern Express reported that if too much sleep, not only can not eliminate fatigue, but will also affect the health and intelligence. In sleep, the lowest mortality rate of about seven hours of sleep time.
Risk 1: stroke and diabetes

Researchers in the United States of more than 90,000 women 50-79 years old, which lasted seven and a half years after the survey found that more than nine hours of sleep a day of stroke risk than those who slept seven hours to increase 70 percent, sleep Increased risk of stroke is an independent factor.

Reported that the Nanjing Brain Hospital Division of experts said that the elderly high blood viscosity, if the sleep time is too long, it will lead to increased blood viscosity, an increase of sticky blood on the easy-induced stroke, and other cerebrovascular disease.

Experts say there is also a study shows that sleep time is too long, but also may trigger diabetes, the survey found, the daily sleep time in the 7-8 hours, the most physical health. If less than six hours of sleep time, the risk of diabetes will increase by about 2 times if more than eight hours of sleep time, the risk of diabetes will increase more than three times.

Surveys show that less than six hours of sleep a day will damage a person's health. At the same time, more than nine hours of sleep the same time will be hazardous to health. Sleep time in the survey, the lowest mortality rate of about seven hours of sleep time. The average time in a day of sleep for four hours following 10 hours or more persons, whether male or female, the mortality rate is very high.

Risk 2: respiratory, digestive and heart disease

Mike is a school teacher, like Shui Lanjue, summer is often a sleep over 10 hours. He found that his body is still relatively poor, often at every turn on the cold. Analysis of doctors to help him that he often cold and he might have liked Shui Lanjue relations.

Jiangsu Province, chief physician of Chinese medicine hospitals Respiratory history of lock-fang said that the bedroom most polluted air in the morning, Xu Yan windows or even some of the air flow, the dirty air contains a lot of bacteria, viruses, carbon dioxide and dust, the respiratory disease-resistant ability Impact. For long-term sleep time is too long those behind closed doors Tanshui, usually less movement, coupled with the dirty air in the bedroom, it is easy frequent colds, coughs and other symptoms.

Human activities speed up the heart rate, cardiac contraction strengthen, the heart output increase. When people break the heart in a state of rest, the heart, contraction of output decline. If too much sleep, it will undermine the heart of rest and exercise, the heart of a break to rest, eventually will lack the heart contraction, a slightly different activities will heartbeat, flustered weak. In addition, if too much sleep, can not eat on time, in hunger and gastrointestinal motility, disrupted the secretion of gastric juice, the impact on digestion.

Risk 3: The Sleeping more lazy, mental decline

"Wanshui 10 hours, why do during the day or lethargy» "work in a company it Xiangbu Tong Xiao Chen, previously, he often complained about their sleep too little, resulting in dizziness brain up. However, an increase of sleep a day, or no spirit, work at the slow response and was scolded by the boss many times.

Experts explained that most people would think, should eliminate fatigue and more sleep. In fact, want to use sleep time to increase access to health concepts, is completely wrong. Sleep time is too long, will become lazy, weak, or even intelligence will also decline.

After overnight rest, muscles and joints will become lax and wake up immediately after the event can increase muscle tension may also increase the blood supply to muscles, bones, muscles in a state of repair, while at night the muscles in the accumulation of metabolites Elimination is conducive to restore muscle movement.

Regular Shui Lanjue who missed because of muscle activity opportunity to get up after that Tuiruan, lumbar discomfort, Zhoushen weakness. Shui Lanjue people sleep in a long-term Kangfen hub status, while other nerve centre due to curb a long time to restore the function will become relatively slow, and will feel all day Hunhunchenchen, lethargy, and even mental decline.

Healthy sleep 6-8 hours

So, how long is a day to sleep it can help health » Experts believe that for adults, 6-8 hours is the standard required for its sleep time, the elderly in this standard on the further reduction of 1-2 hours, young people can increase 1-2 hours. For infants and young children, sleep time is longer.

Of course, the number of hours of sleep most healthy, it is also necessary based on their own situation to determine. Determine their own health sleep time standards, should be the next day will not feel tired physically, I feel full of energy to determine.


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper

瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

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