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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

愛吃酸 毀了牙齒琺瑯質 Favorite acid to destroy tooth enamel

愛吃酸 毀了牙齒琺瑯質
胃酸逆流、碳酸飲料… 造成琺瑯質流失 正確刷牙、勤漱口很重要










Favorite acid to destroy tooth enamel
Weisuanniliu, carbonated drinks… caused the loss of enamel, brush their teeth correctly, Qin mouthwash is very important

Dental etching the first-class, slightly enamel loss, dull appearance turn yellow.
Dental etching the third grade, has been eroded to one-third of dentin.

[Shi Jing-Ru:嗜eating acidic food or carbonated drinks Aihe people to be careful teeth may have been etching, resulting in the loss of enamel, may be seriously exposed to nerve pulp, a dental root canal treatment, and even pulled out teeth.
Taiwan's Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital and periodontal disease in the attached director Kun-Yen Ho said, teeth etching reasons, including tooth enamel exposed to acid (pH value of less than 5.5), age cumulative growth of acidic substances, brushing method is wrong, there Weisuanniliu People are likely to lead to the loss of enamel.

Kun-Yen Ho had treated a 50-year-old female patient, as usual with the habit of drinking vinegar health, dental pain that was later to seek medical treatment, after examination revealed that she had the fourth-class dental etching, exposed more than two-thirds of dentin Second, does not timely processing, pulp nerve may be Louzaiwaimian.

Many young people Aihe carbonated drinks, a female models hearsay that the bubble has to drink carbonated drinks to remove food residue, Huang Banya white, she also依样画葫芦, but also etching of teeth , The shape of teeth becomes almost broken.

Another 18-year-old university student, usually love He Kele, uncomfortable look at the teeth because of dental, also found that tooth enamel discoloration neck and decalcification, is about to become a dental etching owners.

Kun-Yen Ho said that the teeth were the symptoms of acid erosion of food, patients often did not feel at the early stage, localized pain may occasionally, but the enamel will gradually lose their luster and texture, the final evolution of the nerve exposed dentin and pulp.

Kun-Yen Ho said that if they are etching the teeth, dentists usually detected in patients with teeth, whether or not to turn yellow color, teeth have thinner margins with a translucent, dental structure is fragile and was Juchi Zhuang, and even tooth surface goblet Cavity or the etching, and other symptoms.

Therefore, Kun-Yen Ho suggested that eating acidic food preferences of the people, may wish to eat, Zaihe几口water gargle, the population will be able to dilute the acidity of the environment if they drink acid drinks, should also avoid small I indulge a long time, or try to give In the long-mouth.

Taipei Veterans General Hospital dental director Igor Rogachev said that the extension, whether it is sweet, salty, acid food, the most important thing is what should be carefully brush their teeth after eating, because dental plaque remain in a period of time, the teeth will have a local side Acid environment, increase opportunities for tooth decay.


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For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

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