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Sunday, August 31, 2008

停經後骨盆鬆 提肛運動緩解Post-menopausal pelvic Songti anal ease movement

停經後骨盆鬆 提肛運動緩解








Post-menopausal pelvic Songti anal ease movement

[CNA] in post-menopausal women have pelvic relaxation or stress incontinence problems, doctors said, could be in production in the course of pregnancy or pelvic floor muscle ligament and nerve injury, could be proposed by a Tigang Campaign to improve symptoms, do a day, do at least four times a week, doctors at the same time cope with the treatment, can improve the pelvic muscle relaxation of the syndrome.
Taiwan's Changpin Sau Lin Chuan Hospital urologists US-yin said that there will be nearly 40% of the Daowu Cheng-menopausal women have pelvic relaxation or stress incontinence problems, the most common causes may be pregnant or in the production process pelvic floor muscle ligament Or nerve injury.

Lin Mei-yin said that as the bladder, uterus and other pelvic organs are from the pelvic floor muscle group support, training these muscle groups can be used to prevention and treatment because of muscle relaxation group from stress incontinence, vaginal relaxation and other diseases, she suggested that women can be friends Do Kegel Tigang campaign to prevent or improve symptoms.

Lin Mei-yin said that women can be friends at home in their own writings Kegel exercise, the first step in the first Yangtang bed, his legs bent knees, beginners can index finger and middle finger on the vagina, feeling the strength of muscle contraction and whether it is correct .

Next pelvic floor muscle contraction, as usual action of urinating in the middle of all of a sudden Biezhu action, if action is correct, on the finger in the vagina will feel oppressed, do exercise, in addition to Tigang muscles, abdomen, Thighs, buttocks are not forced, then the continued contraction of about 10 seconds, 10 seconds to relax, so to repeat back to the 15th.

Lin Mei-yin said that women's best friend to do a day, do at least four times a week, then in accordance with the movement of the effectiveness and improve the situation disease, and doctors to discuss whether to support other therapies, such as.


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For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

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