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Monday, August 25, 2008

經痛分四型 藥引改體質4 different cramp type of period Chinese medicine to physical Reply

經痛分四型 藥引改體質


寒凝血瘀型 月經期受寒


肝鬱氣滯型 情緒壓力大


氣血虛弱型 易疲勞倦怠


肝腎虧損型 先天體質虛



量多 痛久 結塊








4 different cramp type of period Chinese medicine to physical Reply

[LIU Hui-min - Chinese medicine point of view, the more pain because of blood from the poor, not General Clauses pain, cold and heat physique actual situation may lead to the pain, according to clinical symptoms, dialectical Wenzhen to type, and then impose different drugs tone. Chinese medicine hospitals through the United Christian Hospital District gynecology Dr. Lin Junyu that the Chinese dialectical pain will be divided into four types.
Hanning blood stasis menstrual period Shouhan

This is often Shouhan menstrual period, eating cold food, Shouhan lead to blood coagulation, and some people will not be early, but as the age of growth, because of environmental or Xilengshuizao love, love of ice, etc. Physical changes, sometimes hot packs can ease the pain, or eating a warm womb of medicine, Chinese medicine practitioners will be open to Angelica Sini soup, Guizhifuling pill to treat.

Liver depression and feelings of stagnation gas pressure

As emotions, the pressure likely to cause confusion in hormone secretion, leading to the pain, as this type of menstrual pain often is not allowed, the Chinese meridian theory that this type of person Ganqi blues, gas block in the two-clock, the need to rule Modified Xiaoyaosan , Scattered five plot to Qi and promoting blood circulation, Huayu pain, but also need to adjust mood, reducing stress.

Qi and blood-type weak fatigue burnout

This type of physical weakness, because of lack of qi and blood, running weak, so easy fatigue, malaise, anemia, are particularly vulnerable in menstrual pain after that, we need a prescription for the blood to Yiqi tone, for example, Angelica Shaoyao San.

Liver and kidney virtual loss of congenital physical

This type is mainly because of inherent weaknesses, Shenqi deficiency, the uterus Deficiency-Cold Zheng Zuo Tong, the genitourinary system that is innate or the uterus is relatively weak, Chinese medicine will be open to Yanggan Zishen prescription, such as the pill Bawei Huang Wen-by.

Linjun Yu stressed that the pain will be there as soon as possible for medical treatment, 10 million may not be dragged, because blood counter-current, long-term accumulation, if endometriosis or chocolate cyst and other issues, will not only affect the quality of life, and may even cause infertility.

The pain of many long-caking

Uterine JPC

Basically, the period of Trinidad-Tobago, the pain a long time and Inclusion in the blood caking, or accompanied by the intense pain, are uterine fibroids, uterine muscle adenoma, endometriosis of the JPC.

Lin Junyu that women have lower abdomen agglomeration, with or pain, or bulging, or full, or even bleeding, Chinese medicine called "Zhengjia," is also ancient books, "Huang Di Nei Jing" alleged "Zhengjia Poly", referring to Western medicine The endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or cervical cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome are all Chinese medicine practitioners Zhengjia scope of treatment should be preceded whether the tumor was benign diagnosis, then dialectical diagnosis, the right remedy for different reasons.

Chinese medicine treatment of uterine fibroids, the first meeting under the constitution after the attack, or attack-and carrot. Blood stasis, impose Huoxue blood and broken plot Xiaozheng, Guizhifuling prescription for the pills, rhubarb Zhe worm pills, and those used by blood deficiency taste Siwutang.

The stagnation of gas is required to gas Daozhi, Poyu Xiaozheng, the prescription for the pill-collar or seven-Tang. Phlegm and blood stasis of the Qi Huatan, Poyu Xiaozheng, a prescription for Erchen Tang Yu, Cortex Moutan rhubarb soup.

Generally speaking, when Chinese medicine can be accurately Syndrome have a certain effect, the growth of fibroids and more able to control or gradually narrowing. Uterine fibroids less than 3 centimeters, most of its less serious symptoms, urinary frequency, abdominal pain, the pain or because the blood of many and anemia relatively minor cases, treatment is also more obvious.


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

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