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Thursday, August 2, 2007


1.德商(MQ):指一個人的道德人格品質。 德商的內容包括體貼、尊重、容忍、寬容、誠實、負責、平和、忠心、禮貌、幽默等各種美德。   
2.智商(IQ):是一種表示人智力高低的數量指標。 也可以表現為一個人對知識的掌握程度,反映人的觀察力、記憶力、思維力、想像力、 創造力以及分析問題和解決問題的能力。   
3.情商(EQ):指管理自己的情緒和處理人際關係的能力。 ——情商測試   
4.逆商(AQ):指面對逆境承受壓力的能力, 或承受失敗和挫折的能力。   
5.膽商(DQ):是一個人膽量、膽識、膽略的度量,體現了一種冒險精神。 膽商高的人能夠把握機會,凡是成功的商人、政客,都具有非凡膽略和魄力。   
6.財商(FQ):指理財能力,特別是投資收益能力。 財商是一個人最需要的能力,但往往會被人們忽略。   
7.心商(MQ):就是維持心理健康、緩解心理壓力、保持良好心理狀況和活力的能力。 心商的高低,直接決定了人生過程的苦樂,主宰人生命運的成功。   
8.志商(WQ):指一個人的意志品質水平,包括堅韌性、目的性、果斷性、 自製力等方面。  9.靈商(SQ):就是對事物本質的頓悟能力和直覺思維能力。   
Ten of quotient you can have several?
1. Moral Quotient (MQ) : refers to a person's moral character. Moral quotient include caring, respect, tolerance, tolerance, honesty, responsibility and calm, loyal, courteous, humor and other virtues.
2. Intelligence quotient (IQ) : This is a person's intelligence level, said the number of indicators. It also showed a knowledge of the extent, reflect the seasons, memory, thinking, imagination, creativity and analysis of issues and the ability to solve problems.
3. Emotional Quotient (EQ) : refers to manage their emotions and the ability to handle interpersonal relationships. -- EQ test
4. Adversity Quotient (AQ) : Faced with adversity means the ability to withstand stress, or from the failures and setbacks capacity.
5. Biliary quotient (DQ) : This is a courage, courage, courage metric embodied a spirit of adventure. Biliary provider who can grasp the opportunities, all successful businessmen, politicians, all with remarkable courage and determination.
6. Financial Quotient(FQ) : refers to financial management capacity, especially in investment earnings capacity. Choi are the most in need of a person's ability, but tend to be overlooked.
7. Mental Quotient (MQ) : is to maintain mental health, alleviate psychological pressure, and maintain a good psychological condition and vitality of the capacity. The heart will directly affect the decision process of the 1970 life, the key to success in life and destiny.
8. Will Quotient (WQ) : refers to a person's will to quality standards, including tenacity, purpose, determination, self-control and so on.
9. Spiritual Quotient (SQ) : is the nature of things, and it suddenly dawned on intuition and thinking abilities.
10. Health Quotient (HQ) : refers to individuals with health awareness, health knowledge and the ability to reflect health.

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