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Friday, July 24, 2009

Withdrawal Crack Addiction 戒除爆裂毒品成癮症

Withdrawal Crack Addiction 戒除爆裂毒品成癮症

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease 手足口病

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease 手足口病

Mad Cow Disease ; Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) 瘋牛症

Mad Cow Disease ; Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) 瘋牛症

H5N1 Virus --- Avian Flu ( Bird Flu ) S.A.R.S H5N1 病毒 --- 禽流感 (S.A.R.S 沙士)

H5N1 Virus --- Avian Flu ( Bird Flu ) S.A.R.S H5N1 病毒 --- 禽流感 (S.A.R.S 沙士)

H1N1 Virus --- Swine Flu(influenza A) H1N1 病毒 --- 豬流感 (甲型流感)

H1N1 Virus --- Swine Flu(influenza A) H1N1 病毒 --- 豬流感 (甲型流感)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Withdrawal Ecstasy-MDMA Addiction 戒除狂喜-MDMA毒品成癮症

Withdrawal Ecstasy-MDMA Addiction

Withdrawal GHB Addiction 戒除GHB毒品成癮症

GHB or Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid (4-hydroxybutanoic acid)

Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a sedative and as a central nervous system depressant. It may have a role in inducing sleep or coma.

GHB has the street names Georgia Home Boy, Liquid Ecstasy (though it is not the liquid form of ecstasy), Easy Lay, Gamma-Oh, Salty Water and Scoop.

The most frequent users of GHB are college students and young teenagers. The majority of users attend dance clubs, parties, or rave parties.

GHB is available as a liquid, powder, tablet or capsule forms. It is colorless, odorless and has a salty taste. It is generally swallowed as a pill. The physiological effects of GHB occur within a few minutes after taking it by mouth. The duration of its actions usually last anywhere from 6-8 hours.

In low doses GHB is a CNS depressant and has similar effects like alcohol. It can induce a sense of calm, relieve anxiety and cause generalized relaxation. When combined with alcohol and other CNS depressants, it can cause severe lethargy, mental confusion, coma and even breathing difficulties. Other adverse effects of GHB use include: Lightheadedness; Vomiting; Weakness; loss of peripheral vision; agitation; hallucinations;
unconsciousness and coma.

Overdose can and does occur in individuals who consume GHB. At high doses and especially in combination with alcohol, respiratory depression and coma can occur rapidly. A number of deaths have been reported from GHB overdose.

γ -羥丁酸的街道名稱格魯吉亞主頁男孩,液體迷魂藥(雖然它不是液態形式的迷魂藥) ,易雷, γ -噢,鹹水和獨家新聞。

最經常使用γ -羥丁酸是大學生和年輕人。絕大多數的用戶參加舞蹈俱樂部,政黨,或狂野派對。

γ -羥丁酸可作為液體,粉末,片劑或膠囊的形式。它是無色,無臭,有鹹味。一般吞噬作為避孕藥。的生理影響γ -羥丁酸發生在幾分鐘之內後,它的嘴。期的任何行動通常持續6-8小時。

在低劑量γ -羥丁酸是一種中樞神經抑製劑,並具有類似的效果:酒精。它可以誘導一種平靜,減輕焦慮和事業廣義放鬆。如果加上酒精和其他中樞神經系統抑製劑,它可引起嚴重的嗜睡,精神混亂,昏迷,甚至呼吸困難。其他不利影響GHB的使用包括:頭昏,嘔吐;弱點;周邊視力喪失;攪拌;幻覺; 失去知覺和昏迷。


Withdrawal Meth Addiction 戒除冰毒成癮症

Withdrawal Drug Addiction 戒除毒品成癮症

Withdrawal Pot & Marijuana; Ecstasy-MDMA; Cocaine; Magic Mushrooms; LSD; Heroin/Narcotics; GHB; Special K (Ketamine); Crack; Meth;

大麻; 狂喜-MDMA毒品; 可卡因; 迷幻蘑菇; LSD; 海洛因/麻醉劑; GHB; K仔(氯胺酮); Crack爆裂毒品; 冰毒;

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Withdrawal Marijuana Addiction 戒除大麻成癮症

Marijuana is about 16 times more side effect than smoked cigarettes and the risk of cancer 50% more than smoked cigarettes.

If you smoke marijuana regularly and then stop, THC can be found in your urine for more than 4 weeks after use.

The effects of marijuana are almost immediate, your pulse quickens by as much as 50%, depending on the potency of the marijuana.

People with a poor blood supply to the heart may have chest pain. Some first time users undergo an acute panic reaction in which they feel they are losing control a few hour.

Chronic marijuana smokers show evidence of decreased lung capacity and chronic bronchial irritation.

Marijuana is occasionally contaminated by animal droppings containing salmonella bacteria either at the time of drying or during storage, it can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever.

If plants sprayed with paraquat (widely used by the government to destroy marijuana plants) are harvested before exposure to sunlight, unaltered paraquat remains on the leaves.

This herbicide is highly toxic to humans and can irreversibly damage your lungs.

Marijuana may possibly causing irregular menstrual cycles & premature birth during pregnancy in women and a temporary loss of fertility in both men and women.

Long term frequency high dosage marijuana will damage brain memory neurons, lung & liver function.

Depending on the length of use and the potency of the marijuana you use, you may experience withdrawal symptoms when you discontinue using it.

Some symptoms such as tremors, sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, and sleep disturbances, loss of interest in usual activities, decreasing job or school performance, stealing or borrowing money from work, home, or friends--damages relationships.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)注意力缺失症

Above 15% Children defined of ADD or ADHD, approximately 75% of children referred for ADHD displayed no hyperactive behavior, it is at least twice as common in males.

Postulated causative factor in ADD such as prenatal or perinatal insult, brain damage, neurochemical lesions, congenital physical anomalies, low central nervous system arousal level, genetic disorders, exposure to environmental toxins.

Clinical manifestations of ADHD:

1 Behavioral alterations: increased level of motor activity, impaired coordination, short attention span, excessive implusiveness, interpersonal problems, lability of emotion.

2 Perceptual-cognitive difficulties: impaired spatial orientation, difficulty in auditory and visual memory, difficulty in transferring information between sensory modalities, scholastic underachievement.

3 Minor neurological abnormalities: impaired fine motor coordination, visual/motor difficulties, problems in speech articulation.

Causes of ADHD

Above 15% Children defined of ADD or ADHD, approximately 75% of children referred for ADHD displayed no hyperactive behavior, it is at least twice as common in males. Postulated causative factor in Add such as prenatal or perinatal insult, brain damage, neurochemical lesions, congenital physical anomalies, low central nervous system arousal level, genetic disorders, exposure to environmental toxins, Clinical manifestations of ADHD: 1Behavioral alterations: increased level of motor activity, impaired coordination, short attention span, excessive implusiveness, interpersonal problems, lability of emotion. 2Perceptual-cognitive difficulties: impaired spatial orientation, difficulty in auditory and visual memory, difficulty in transferring information between sensory modalities, scholastic underachievement.3Minor neurological abnormalities: impaired fine motor coordination, visual/motor difficulties, problems in speech articulation.

Friday, June 5, 2009

TCM :Tuina (Chinese Massage) Mandarin 中醫 : 推拿(按摩) 國語

TCM : Tuina (Chinese Massage) Mandarin 中醫 : 推拿(按摩) 國語

Want watch more, please visit www.herbsdr.com

Thursday, June 4, 2009

TCM : Massage---The original point therapy 中醫 : 按摩----原始點療法

TCM : Massage---The original point therapy 中醫 : 按摩----原始點療法

Senior Care : Alzheimer's Disease (Senile Dementia )

Senior Care : Alzheimer's Disease (Senile Dementia )

There are no definitive tests for Alzheimer's disease.

But about 4% of 65~74 years old, 10% of 75~84 years old, 20% or more of 85 years or older.More common in women.

It is due to a degeneration of brain cells, insidious onset leading to progressive and permanent decline of all intellectual functions.

Mood changes such as apathy, depression, passivity, irritability, anxiety, paranoia. Loss of recent memory, inability to recall facts of common knowledge, disorientation, confusion, delusion, hallucination, all worse at night impaired attention, understanding, judgment.

Loss of ability to think abstractly; to use language correctly; to calculate.

Eventual gait disturbances, incoordination of movements, social skills may be retained until late in course of disease, course is from 3~20 years, with mean duration of 7 years.

Alzheimer's: Signs, Symptoms, and Stages

耆老護理 : 老人癡呆


但大約發生于4% 65~74歲,10% 75~84歲,多於20% 85歲或以上.多發生在女性.




Monday, November 24, 2008

拒絕妊娠紋 凡士林便宜又好用Renshen Wen refused to cheap and easy to use Vaseline

拒絕妊娠紋 凡士林便宜又好用








皮膚有紋路 與體質有關






Renshen Wen refused to cheap and easy to use Vaseline

Physicians recommends that pregnant women with little flavor of skin care products, if they can be cheap and safe Vaseline.

● The study found that too strong smell of rubbing a cream Renshen Wen, may affect fetal health, pregnant women on how to reduce the belly of this Renshen Wen? National Taiwan University Hospital dermatologist physician Tsen-Fang Tsai said that the oily skin care products can be used as oil-based products will be unlikely to add preservatives, stabilizers, and cheap is good belly Vaseline skin care products.
Tsen-Fang Tsai pointed out that many cosmetic products have added environmental hormones, the most common is called the PABA preservatives, general practitioner in the breast tumor tissue, was found in preservatives such components.

Pregnant women the best use of cosmetics

As the adolescent girls of the female hormone secretion in the body concentration is not stable, Tsai-fang was strongly suggested that girls are the best use of cosmetics. Pregnant women is the best use of the best, not for the sake of short-term good-looking, and let the baby caused by a lifetime of regret.

As for the pregnant women with skin care products which will then feel at ease? Tsen-Fang Tsai pointed out that compared with oily skin will not add preservatives, stabilizers. Oily texture belonging to the non-transparent skin care products, to be safe than that.

Hydrophilic care products are relatively rare component, seem transparent, in order to allow consistent quality, some of the products will be added preservatives, stabilizers, with the general female was tolerated, but pregnant women are the best use of.

Cai Fang was of the view that the oil is very suitable for Vaseline when Renshen Wen cream, with a high degree of moisture, very nourishing. Smear, a moderate belly massage, or to prevent emergence of Renshen Wen.

There are lines of skin and body-related

However, the Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital dermatologist physician Huangyao Li said: "Renshen Wen little saved." He said that Renshen Wen, the growth pattern, the pattern of obesity, such as the formation of lines, all belong to the same plane to turn for the better, skin in a short period of time Have been pulled, the fibers break the skin, forming a parallel to the grain Road.

In general, the growth pattern appeared in the internal thigh, near the knee, and the pattern of obesity is the president of the waist, Renshen Wen is in the belly, the body was that these will not be long lines, some people have looked Obvious.

Huangyao Li pointed out that such patterns of physical and, despite plastic surgery to intense pulsed light, laser dyes, such as surgery to remove just the generation of red Renshen Wen, in order to eliminate white laser Shuttle Renshen Wen, but with limited effect.

Huangyao Li said that the effect of surgery is limited, applying skin care products, does not necessarily guarantee that no Renshen Wen president, had to look at their total body mass. (Li),


View more information, see the World Journal reported that e-ePaper

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唇邊皺紋深肉毒桿菌可改善 Lips deep wrinkles Botox can be improved














Lips deep wrinkles Botox can be improved

【Shi Jing-Ru)】 Q: My lips deep wrinkles, but as they age, more and more obvious that the Lao Qi seems, are there any ways to improve it?

A: plastic surgery to have a treatment, that is, the treatment of Chun Wen. In fact, the Japanese animation Hayao Miyazaki film "Spirited Away", there are individual objects, "Tang mother-in-law," lips are full of wrinkles.

Chun Wen will have, mainly due to aging or customary Minzui also prone to "mother-in-law Tom mouth."

Patients usually can be autologous fat, wrinkles at the site of injection, together with Clostridium botulinum, the role of blocking nerve channels; or direct injection of botulinum, so that patients have to reduce wrinkles, but you also have to re-injection for a period of time.

Q: I heard that too Chunse can bleach, is that true? How effective is it? Some people have floated over it?

A: There are patterns itself lip, or bleach to change the way lips Chun Se or, in some ways similar to the tattoos, all with color and equipment operation.

However, doctors advise that this type of pattern lip technical operator, and disinfection equipment, and even get up the color, whether as Eyebrow, regret in the future, are worthy of consideration and evaluation in advance.

Q: have a car accident because, under the lips will be under the right oblique, saw a doctor, said after the accident should be a muscle problem, will be a time of restitution. Then look at the second doctor, said that the accident may have facial nerve injury to the proposed rehabilitation to rehabilitation, rehabilitation after less like a ramp, but turned out a little bit under the lips, how to do that?

A: The facial reconstruction of the disabled are also plastic surgeons phase of the training will learn the skills, as a result of the trauma caused by distortion of the mouth, in the treatment of wounds, patients will first call upon the issue "in accordance with, ah, Ming," the voice, see To control its nerves, smooth muscle, it may sometimes be caused by traumatic scar mouth askew.

If there is no scar on the wound, and the mouth askew in the mouth, can take advantage of the rehabilitation of the electrical stimulation treatment can sometimes be improved; but if it is askew in the mouth, already nervous at the end, the effect of rehabilitation is limited, may have to Waiting time to see whether to resume slowly.

(Medical Advisory: Taiwan business for a long time plastic surgeons Li Heng, Feng-Yin Tseng)


View more information, see the World Journal reported that e-ePaper

瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

擦口紅前 先上護唇膏Rub lipstick, lip balm before

擦口紅前 先上護唇膏







Rub lipstick, lip balm before

By-laws Taipei Medical University Medical Center, director of the beauty of the Kingdom of the constitution that the lips thinner skin, normal maintenance should be spending more, even if the lips are not perfect, it can look shiny MOISTURE.
Many women wiped lipstick on a daily basis, lipstick colorful, often containing the chemical constituents of a day to go home after the oil carefully applied make-up remover to wipe clean lipstick, the direction from the mouth to clean inside, so the chemical precipitation, resulting in Chunwen, Chun Se will be more and more bleak.

Lips, like skin, the stratum corneum thickening for a long time, especially dry winter, and even some people will be peeling lips, dry did not seem angry. Constitution of the Kingdom of that, in fact, as long as the make-up remover at night, hot enough towels for a few minutes lips, lips to soften the skin, helps remove dead skin.

If severe peeling lips, choose to scrub lip cream, hand-push micro-massage, and also help the fallen leaves of autumn and winter like dead skin, clean fall and then you can rub lip balm.

Usual lipstick, may wish to rub a layer of lip balm, compared to the protection of Yingchun dust from the outside world or lipstick chemical composition of the injury.


View more information, see the World Journal reported that e-ePaper

瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

夢遊 原來是…血糖太低sleepwalking is too low blood sugar ...

他半夜夢遊 原來是…血糖太低










The middle of the night he was sleepwalking is too low blood sugar ...

Li】 【people if blood sugar dropped too low, could cause sleepwalking! A middle-aged man suffering from diabetes to get up the middle of the night recently, in the sense not to move about the house, terrified families, the last to find the reasons for that is a result of taking the traditional hypoglycemic drug, resulting in lowering blood sugar too low, giving rise to the middle of the night sleepwalking .
Tour the new diabetes specialist, said the treatment is to control blood sugar in diabetic patients with the main purpose of some patients with traditional hypoglycemic drugs, because too little food, and efficacy to play, keep on insulin secretion, resulting in dizziness, trembling Unconscious, or even symptoms such as sleepwalking.

"Hao E!" Said the new tour, it was too low blood sugar, there will be very hungry, Pin Leming, all want to eat something, to feel dizzy or hungry. Even in sleep, wake up will be hungry, to eat at once, or yelling, just like the loss of reason.

The sleepwalking middle-aged patients with diabetes, medication usually normal circumstances, a good control of blood sugar also recently appeared several times at night in sleepwalking, sleep half of all of a sudden get up and walk around, called his wife a half-day, and ignored, Patients simply do not know their own sense of the evening will not have to Papa Zou.

Sleepwalking fear may endanger the health of the patients to the neurology clinic, accepted the check brain waves, resulting in normal, can not find the reason. A few days later, he suddenly collapsed and was sent to the emergency room, it was found that low blood sugar, blood sugar level only 16mg/dL.

Yu said the new, normal glucose value (mg / dL) in their forties and fifties to about 90 in the vicinity, 16 is just too small to Yizhuang during the day may not have come at night, low blood sugar in the body, patients will lead to Sleepwalking, terrified families, in the dressing, not low blood sugar, it is no longer a sleepwalking.

Yu pointed out that the new, the past 10 years, hypoglycemic drug R & D very quickly, a new generation of oral hypoglycemic agents "DPP-4 inhibitor", to take a day to help extend the stay of intestinal hormones in the body time to strengthen The body's own ability to regulate blood sugar, high patient acceptance. Although no health insurance payments, to be at their own expense, but it was the first type 2 diabetes patients with the treatment of the new gospel.

The new tour of the view that the treatment of diabetes need a good medical team, including doctors, nurses, health teachers, nutritionists, and other members should have the patience to give patients the right to education concepts; patient medication, if the side effects, medical Team should provide assistance, if necessary, adjust the medication, so in order to help patients get the best care.


View more information, see the World Journal reported that e-ePaper

瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

寶寶喝母乳 肺部較健康Baby to drink breast milk than healthy lung

寶寶喝母乳 肺部較健康






位於懷德島的大衛海德氣喘與過敏研究中心阿薛德(Syed Arshad)醫師表示,「這些寶寶從事的行為,就像我們建議年紀較大的病人進行的肺部復健動作一樣。」

平均而言,吸母乳的力量是吸奶瓶力量的三倍,且吸取母乳的時間較長。 阿薛德表示,研究團隊正與奶瓶製造業者進行一項模仿餵哺母乳的奶瓶設計。他表示,「沒有人能懷疑母乳對孩童的好處,但現在我們也許能為那些無法親自餵哺母乳的婦女,設計一款相仿的奶瓶。」


Baby to drink breast milk than healthy lung

NEW YORK】 reports of a British study found that drinking breast milk in the baby's childhood than the health of the lungs. May be due to the sucking action to increase lung capacity, together with the breast-feeding time is usually longer than the milk bottle. British research team has begun research and development designed to mimic breast milk bottle.
The study for the British Isle of Wight 1456 10-year-old children are targeted, this observation until they are 10 years old. One third of the subjects drank milk at least as long as four months. The results found that these children are in a deep breath, in order to be able to quickly spit out more air speed to prove that they are better lung function.

Research has confirmed that breast-fed babies can be avoided in early childhood, suffering from respiratory diseases, but the latter part of his childhood and the health of the lungs do not have much relevance.

According to the Journal of Thoracic Medicine (Thorax) said, in part because of the sucking action to increase lung capacity, together with the breast-feeding time is usually longer than milk bottle.

UK research team believes that changes in the design of the bottle, may also be able to achieve this effect.

David Wilder is located in the island's Hyde asthma and allergy research center Xue Afghanistan (Syed Arshad) doctor said that the "baby acts, as we suggest that older patients with pulmonary rehabilitation moves like."

On average, breast-suction force of the suction bottle is three times the force and draw breast milk for a longer time. Ah Xue said that the research team is working with manufacturers to carry out a bottle to imitate the breast-feeding bottle design. He said that "no one can doubt the benefits of breast-feeding for children, but now we may be able personally to those who can not breast-feeding women, a design similar to that of the bottle."


View more information, see the World Journal reported that e-ePaper

瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Friday, November 21, 2008

運動量大 降低乳癌風險Large amount of exercise reduce the risk of breast cancer

運動量大 降低乳癌風險





偏頭痛女性 乳癌機率小









Large amount of exercise reduce the risk of breast cancer

Large amount of exercise such as aerobics, to improve bodily functions and strengthen the body immune system and reduce the risk of breast cancer.
【Xinhuanet the United States, a new study shows that normal weight-menopausal women for more hard training, so that it can reduce the risk of breast cancer by about 30%.
This is the U.S. National Cancer Institute researchers in more than 30,000 post-menopausal women 11 years of follow-up study concluded. The researchers said that the major training exercise includes brisk walking, tennis, dance aerobics, cycling and field sports activities such as dance, but also scrubbed the floor and Cachuang Hu, and other household chores.

Researchers said the author, the training exercise only of normal weight women have an effect, and those who were overweight women was not obvious effect, because overweight women increased the risk of breast cancer. In addition, the "non-violent movement" was not effective in preventing breast cancer, these "non-violent movement," including the use of vacuum cleaners, washing clothes, walking, hiking, jogging and bowling and so on.

The researchers believe that the large amount of exercise training can improve the functional ability of people to enhance the body immunity, reduce cancer-causing factors and to avoid chronic inflammation, thus reducing the risk of breast cancer. The study results published in the latest issue of the United States, "Breast Cancer Research" magazine.

Migraine small chance of breast cancer in women

In addition, U.S. researchers said there is a history of migraine women suffering from breast cancer than those without migraine chances are low at around 30%, which may be related to those in the body of the female hormone level.

The study by the United States ‧ Seattle Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Professor Christopher Lee ‧ lead. The study will be the first time, migraine and linked to the prevalence of breast cancer.

The researchers studied the Seattle area 3412, it has been suspended by the women, of which 1938 people have been diagnosed with breast cancer, the rest of 1474 were no history of breast cancer. These women have answered the question about whether they have a history of migraine.

Lee said: "We found that overall, there is a history of migraine than those without the history of women's chances of women suffering from breast cancer by 30%."

Although the researchers did not find why women suffer from migraine difficult to get breast cancer, but pointed out that these women are the body's hormone levels may be the key factor.

Because under normal circumstances, the body of the female breast cancer by hormone-induced, such as estrogen and progesterone, and so on. The women suffer from migraine generally low level of hormones in the body.

The study results were published in the latest issue of "Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention" magazine. According to the American Cancer Society statistics, every year about 465,000 women died of breast cancer.

2008-11-20 |

View more information, see the World Journal reported that e-ePaper

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