Withdrawal GHB Addiction 戒除GHB毒品成癮症
GHB or Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid (4-hydroxybutanoic acid)
Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a sedative and as a central nervous system depressant. It may have a role in inducing sleep or coma.
GHB has the street names Georgia Home Boy, Liquid Ecstasy (though it is not the liquid form of ecstasy), Easy Lay, Gamma-Oh, Salty Water and Scoop.
The most frequent users of GHB are college students and young teenagers. The majority of users attend dance clubs, parties, or rave parties.
GHB is available as a liquid, powder, tablet or capsule forms. It is colorless, odorless and has a salty taste. It is generally swallowed as a pill. The physiological effects of GHB occur within a few minutes after taking it by mouth. The duration of its actions usually last anywhere from 6-8 hours.
In low doses GHB is a CNS depressant and has similar effects like alcohol. It can induce a sense of calm, relieve anxiety and cause generalized relaxation. When combined with alcohol and other CNS depressants, it can cause severe lethargy, mental confusion, coma and even breathing difficulties. Other adverse effects of GHB use include: Lightheadedness; Vomiting; Weakness; loss of peripheral vision; agitation; hallucinations;
unconsciousness and coma.
Overdose can and does occur in individuals who consume GHB. At high doses and especially in combination with alcohol, respiratory depression and coma can occur rapidly. A number of deaths have been reported from GHB overdose.
γ -羥丁酸的街道名稱格魯吉亞主頁男孩,液體迷魂藥(雖然它不是液態形式的迷魂藥) ,易雷, γ -噢,鹹水和獨家新聞。
最經常使用γ -羥丁酸是大學生和年輕人。絕大多數的用戶參加舞蹈俱樂部,政黨,或狂野派對。
γ -羥丁酸可作為液體,粉末,片劑或膠囊的形式。它是無色,無臭,有鹹味。一般吞噬作為避孕藥。的生理影響γ -羥丁酸發生在幾分鐘之內後,它的嘴。期的任何行動通常持續6-8小時。
在低劑量γ -羥丁酸是一種中樞神經抑製劑,並具有類似的效果:酒精。它可以誘導一種平靜,減輕焦慮和事業廣義放鬆。如果加上酒精和其他中樞神經系統抑製劑,它可引起嚴重的嗜睡,精神混亂,昏迷,甚至呼吸困難。其他不利影響GHB的使用包括:頭昏,嘔吐;弱點;周邊視力喪失;攪拌;幻覺; 失去知覺和昏迷。
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